Cost for Seymour Match

Cost For Seymour Match

Doug, If your NBRSA dues are up to date, it will cost you only $50 per day.- Ronnie
50 a day! Do you think that is the price of seymour?

Dearest Doug, Do you remember those old time maps of the world where the edge of the known boundaries of civilization were surrounded by a vast unknown swarming with monsters and sea serpents? There was usually some cutesy Latin saying like " Foot in Fecolorum Maxima Est" at the boundary warning you not to step across the line. Well, I hate to tell you that when you roll into Seymour you have stepped way over the line. Take the movies Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Bambi, Mad Max and Fantasia. Roll them all together and you have Seymour. We eat well. We laugh and party well. We shoot a little benchrest. We drink Tequila and after the match on Sunday we chase whitetail fawns with chainsaws on motorcycles dressed as orange mushrooms while listening to classical music. I personally think you will fit right in. Tim
Gotta Love

Man you have just got to love this sport!!!!!

I kinda like the chasing whitetail on the motorcycle part. That is right up my alley. Not sure about the orange mushroom clothing requirements.
What is the cactus population out that way ????