Contact your NBRSA Director NOW

James A. Kelbly

New member
There has been a lot of debate on the Rodney Brown issue on this message board. Well the time has come to quit debating and to contact your NBRSA Regional Director. I am not telling you what to tell your Director, I think you should contact them and let them know how you feel or how you think they should have handled this situation. Whether you are for Rodney Brown or side with the NBRSA Board, or just don't care, contact your Regional Director and tell them. This issue is not going away and can in MY opinion only hurt NBRSA in the long run.

Contact them today so the Directors can see how their members feel about what has happened to Rodney Brown. Every members opinion should count.

James A. Kelbly
NBRSA Eastern Region member #158

Contact Information for the Eastern Region
Jack Neary, Regional Director 440 590-5299 or

Contact Information for the Gulf Coast Region
Scott Hunter, Regional Director 940 631-4545 or

Contact Information for the Mid-Continent Region
Butch Fjoser, Regional Director 580 334-2643 or

Contact Information for Mississippi Valley Region
Bud Mundy, Mississippi Valley Regional Director 314 805-1313 or email:

Contact Information for North Central Region
Terry Meyer, Regional Director 641 425-3397 or

Contact Information for the Northwest Region
Dan Zaccanti, Regional Director 509 733-1003 or email:

Contact Information for the Southeast Region
Steve Lee, Regional Director, 205 317-6510 or email:

Contact Information for Southwest Region
Dave Woodward, Regional Director 307 455-2296 or 520 219-0189 email:

Contact Information for the European Region
Jean-Marie Deletang, Regional Director
Great idea but my director abstained and I ask twice that question of a couple times to other directors....nothing!?!?

It would seem that we are asked to contact the directors, but the directors are unwilling to defend their actions with the truth. The reason I ask how many people have contacted the directors that are in agreement with them is simple. How can they be in agreement if they don't know what they are agreeing with? I am not saying that the directors made a bad decision. Just wondering if the people who have gone along with this decision would also go along with other infringements on their rights if they ever came about.

Me too

I have also been in contact with Dan Zaccanti concerning Rodney brown and have done a line by line analysis of the excuse the board gave for their actions I have told Dan that other than Rodney exercising his First Amendment rights I see nothing and certainly no act on his part worthy of a ban, Dan has stated to me that he will come forth with his reasoning for his vote, but that has not happened. So far all I know for sure is the BOD will issue a life time ban with no evidence that they are willing to speak of. I have told Dan that with the information that I have I cannot agree with his decision, and he appears to be unwilling to Man Up and give a clear concise reason for the BOD decision I am not okay with this situation.