Congratulations Pete Roberson!!


Active member
Pete took us to school today winning both the NY State & the NE Regional 3-gun Championships. Congrats Pete on some fine shooting!! You"ve got 'em dialed in!
Congrats Pete

Congrats Pete ,wicked shooting I say and congrats to all the shooters. I miss you guys
and hope to see ya soon
Way to go Pete!

Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. You certainly do deserve it. Wish I could have been there.


Once again there was a Re-Pete in the NE Regional meters. Congrats again on some excellent shooting Pete! Also thanks for a fun match!
Congrats to Tim as well for taking the NY State meter Championship. Great shooting Tim.
Congrats to all that shot well at times & for making it a fun match!
Dave...I've got a bone to pick with you.......thanks for the 7hr ride home!!!!!!!!! :)

What did I do:confused::confused:

We haven't even had lunch together for a couple of years, so anything I said then wouldn't apply now…. :cool::cool:

Keep 'em smilin'!

Dave :p
Thanks Keith

You shot pretty well yourself.
Trouble with these marathon matches, by the time you get home it's tough to remember everything that went down. A lot of great targets shot by several.

What did I do:confused::confused:

We haven't even had lunch together for a couple of years, so anything I said then wouldn't apply now…. :cool::cool:

Keep 'em smilin'!

Dave :p

Sorry Dave. Wrong Dave. I meant Dave Strait, who told Gary to take 22 south & pick up the Mass Pike & take that east. Well we fell for it!!! I'm sure its faster if you live in RI. !!!!
I won the dumbass award in the afternoon for shooting a sporter card twice, not shooting a target on the 13.5, & falling for that! I guess I deserved the extra miles.

Shoulda gone cross country

We drove down Rt. 22 to Millerton, NY, RT 44, which crosses Connecticut, took it to Hartford and 84 and was @ her house in the same amount of time it would have token us to do Rt. 90, 91 and 84. Pretty ride too, as well as no traffic.

I know it wouldn'ta worked for you guys but I'm just sayin, in the summer, it's as fast to go cross country many times. No stress and pretty scenery. Saw a couple of humongous cow farms, which seem to amaze me, for some unknown reason and a zillion acres of elephant's eye corn.Soya Beans too; a pleasing sight as well. Are Soya Beans a newish crop up north here?

Congrats Pete

It's always nice to see a Good Guy, like yourself, win. We enjoyed our visit once again to shoot with ya. I have always enjoyed my visits to Salem. Nice folks, pretty country and an easy feeling about the entire place. Hope to get a few more years of it.

Hold on here!

Are you sayin' that Peter Roberson is a "Good Guy"? Are there two Pete Robersons?? :):):):)

Just kidding Pete. Good shooting!!!