Congrats to Larry Parsons


Well-known member
Congratulating Larry Parsons for his wins with Paladin is becoming a regular thing.

Larry won the 4th ARA triple points tournament this past weekend. This match was held at the Bench rest rifle club of St. Louis. This is the same venue that holds the ARA Nationals every year.

The match had 55 shooters. A great turn out for a RFBR tournament.

Larry has won two of the ARA area tournaments so far. The last 2021 ARA area tournament will be held at Chickenfoot in Ga. That is the same venue that is used for the indoor ARA Nationals.

Although these aren't National matches one can argue they are just as tough to win.

Larry is a relatively new shooter and he has came on quick and strong. It has been exciting watching his progress.

One question comes to mind. Would Larry have been so successful without Paladin?

Paladin is a Calfee SPEC rifle and has a history of being a winner in a number of shooters hands. But it looks like Larry is taking Paladin to new levels.

One thing for sure this Parsons/Paladin team are something to be reckoned with.

Paladin in black - Copy (4).jpgPaladin in black - Copy (4).jpg
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