Congrats Bill B.


New member
Well, you said your "Un" gun was good and now you proved it. Big time gusty, switchy winds and you throw down a 249 19-20x? That's walking the walk!!!

Good going......


PS Didn't the two Stiller actions, in attendence, at Wallkill come in 1 and 2 on the first card? Congrats Jerry S.
Well, you said your "Un" gun was good and now you proved it. Big time gusty, switchy winds and you throw down a 249 19-20x? That's walking the walk!!!

Good going......


PS Didn't the two Stiller actions, in attendence, at Wallkill come in 1 and 2 on the first card? Congrats Jerry S.

Thanks Chris,

The Un-Calfee did well in unlimited too. The Stiilers will do well this season.
Bill B puts his money where his mouth is!!!

Great Shooting With the "Un Calfee" Bill. Glad you wasn't a "NO SHOW JONES" A little wind didn't bother you to much. I think we had the same wind they had in Livonia only a day later.

If you need that Action Blue Printed I will be glad to file on it here and their. I hear the SAP ignition sucks so you will have to live with it.
The Buskey part is solid. The Eck shooting needs some improvment. The Stiller 2500x is also solid.
I sure hope my Good Friend Bill Calfee didn't eat to much Liverwurst and forget to send his Pirated Turbo type action to Livonia. Or worse lost some Lug contact. Iam sure it will be well represented soon.
Thanks guys. The Un-Calfee is off to a good start. Gordon built a beauty with this one. For those keeping track, The Un-Calfee is leading out of the gate while Lugg Nutts was a scratch due to sloppy conditions. The WLM must have had an egg sammich rather than Liverwurst on Sat. cause he sure ended up with some on his face.