Colored Coroplast

I had pretty good luck with plain white coroplast and sign vinyl from this seller on ebay.
It takes a bit of practice to apply the vinyl and not get a bunch of bubbles, but after a few attempts I started getting the hang of it.

I also looked for red and green precolored sheets, but found I was going to have to glue pieces together to get the opposing colors I was looking for. It felt like two sheets was going to create more weight than I wanted.
Where can you buy coroplast for windflags, precolored red and green?
in 12 inch squares?

Check sign shops in your area. This is a very common item for them. A white sheet 4' x 8' is in the range of $12.00.

You can buy two cans of spray paint or if you can find the right color, you can buy just one. You might consider using colored tape instead.

Concho Bill
FWIW - I'm not sure you can paint this product. Using the vinyl to color the Coroplast can be tedious and it is not inexpensive. Especially if you want a good flexible grade. You will need a squeege, sharp razor knife, straight edge and windex in a spray bottle.
I found it was easier to apply the vinyl to the Coroplast first. Then cut it to the size and shape. If you spray the Coroplast with the windex it lets you work the vinyl easier. They make a special spray but the windex works ok. Also when you start don't peel all the backing off of the vinyl. You also have to make sure you don't stretch the vinyl. There are a couple of websites that help with installations. There is a learning curve and you might waste some before you get it right. Been there - done that.
IMHO it is a pain in the ***. But I'm retired and have the time.
Get help and use a roller

An inch and a half dowel works well. Roll the vinyl on the dowel straight and fairly tight. Peel enough backing to get started and have your helper pull the backing straight out/off while you roll the vinyl on the piece. After a couple of sighters you'll be good to go to the record. The edges trim easily with an Exacto knife.

This is where i used to buy mine in colored sheets.

it can be painted - but I never found a good way to cut it cleanly - i would think some type of hot wire or blade would work well. I ended up using a bandsaw with a blade made for cutting meat.

I tried a hot blade - but unless you cut straight across the grain or straight with it it is hard to control.

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If you can find Coroplast that is red/green on opposing sides I would really like to know were you bought it. The vinyl does not add much weight.
I have no problem cutting it clean with a 10" table saw with an 80 tooth blade. You could probably use a blade with less teeth or a band saw. I have never tried a knife.

Just a suggestion for the side color problem:

Why not just choose white and use colored plastic tape for stripes on each side? It would appear as say white with green stripes on one side and white with red stripes on the other. These stripes could also help you determine the direction of the wind. This would not add enough weight to matter.

Concho Bill
It's just a mental thing

White both sides would work just fine when you got used to it.
This is a classic example of not finding solutions because we are looking for problems instead.

Thank about it.:)

Concho Bill
Spray paint. Painted some of mine three years ago, still not very scratched. Cheap....easy....make it what you want.
