cleaning solvents

Gave up on the smelly stuff

I find Wipeout Foam or Patchout either one with Accelerator works great and neither smells much at all. I think if you have a real good bore with a smooth lead you don't need the aggressive cleaners unless you shoot a lot between cleanings. I like Patchout for use at the range but I get a psychological boost from the foam. It gets everything out too, even from the real foulers.

I wonder it some guys get that psychological boost from the smelly stuff?

I know that Wipeout and Patchout say not to get it on you, but I wonder if it's stealthy harmful? Like maybe from breathing it?

Is that why I can't remember names worth a hoot any more?

I think if you have a real fouler, and it's not a super shooter, you have nothing to lose by lapping. Sure saves on the cleaning agents.
I find Wipeout Foam or Patchout either one with Accelerator works great and neither smells much at all. I think if you have a real good bore with a smooth lead you don't need the aggressive cleaners unless you shoot a lot between cleanings. I like Patchout for use at the range but I get a psychological boost from the foam. It gets everything out too, even from the real foulers.

I wonder it some guys get that psychological boost from the smelly stuff?

I know that Wipeout and Patchout say not to get it on you, but I wonder if it's stealthy harmful? Like maybe from breathing it?

Is that why I can't remember names worth a hoot any more?

I think if you have a real fouler, and it's not a super shooter, you have nothing to lose by lapping. Sure saves on the cleaning agents.

Hell Pete. I like that smelly stuff especially Hoppe's #9. That stuff can do double duty. You can use it to clean your firearm and splash it on just like cologne. See if that stuff doesn't drive the women wild. OH BABY. After breathing that stuff for awhile hours later she'll be telling you that 9 is her favorite number. LMFAO.
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I have 20, I use two

I keep Montana Extreme Copper Killer (it's RED for all who know the Butch Fjoser story) on the bench at all times and a squirt bottle of the old standard "Shooters Choice And Kroil"

Montana Extreme cleans the bores

SC/K gets squirted into the wastebasket and sprinkled on the concrete floor...... for ambiance.


ask anyone who's ever been into my gunroom.
For copper i have had good luck with sweets and Montana Extreme Copper Killer.
My borescope says that Butch's is doing a great job on least in my barrels. Never had a reason to switch.

I use to use Butch's all the time until David Apple gave me a case of Wipe Out. I cleaned my barrel in the usual way with Butch's, ran soaked patches down the bore, let it sit for about ten minutes and ran dry patches till no more blue showed up, then for the hell of it, I ran a couple of soaked patches with Wipe Out and let it sit for about 10 minutes and presto, a lot more blue showed up on those patches. I don't like to take all the copper out because I firmly believe that there should be a little copper left in the barrel.
I am sorry, but if you have copper showing, get rid of the barrel. And I have said this in the past. It is amazing the amount of people who do not know what copper fouling is.
i guess we are not all as rich as you.

I am sorry, but if you have copper showing, get rid of the barrel. And I have said this in the past. It is amazing the amount of people who do not know what copper fouling is.
I am sorry, but if you have copper showing, get rid of the barrel. And I have said this in the past. It is amazing the amount of people who do not know what copper fouling is.

Bill, Do you mean get rid of the barrel or the copper by keep cleaning?? Please explain more about it.
Get rid of the barrel! now granted I am in SR Benchrest, where accuracy is paramount, and in the early days if a barrel started to copper you would keep it and work with it. But to-day, with what is out there, if a barrel coppers up, either use it for local matches or get rid of it. Just as a matter of fact, I have, lately, not had a barrel that coppered up until you get, in and around about 2000 rounds.
What causes copper fouling? well galling does. What happens is the barrel, through fatigue, starts to crack and then copper is picked up by the cracks. The next thing that happens is, as the bullets pass over the copper that the cracks have picked up, you have two like metals, under tremendous pressure, rub against each other and you get galling. Now as the galling is extended, you will get coppering all the way out the barrel. Am I a good shooter? used to be, but not in the last 20 years. Am I rich? NO! and that is why I say that unless you are going to one of the local matches, why waste money on a broken barrel? at a big match. Just my thoughts, fire away.

I totally understand your thoughts and partially agree with them. I am using a home made cleaning solvent that actually removes all the copper as I clean after each firing round. It is a formula you probably know, some call it "panther piss" but it has a high amount of very very strong ammonia in it. I use it exclusively and follow it with one patch of Ballistol and then dry wipe. When I put the gun away for the day I do the same but run two Ballistol patches through at the end of the process and leave it wet. When the Hawk Eye guy looks at my barrels every year at the SS he always tells me "this is the cleanest barrel I have seen, for whatever that's worth.

Sooooooooooo, if you get the copper out why get rid of the barrel until it stops shooting. That said, I do go through a lot of barrels looking for that "hummer".

Personally i think you are living in a dream world.
Bare metal on bare metal with no lube and we are to expect ZERO metal transfer of the softer metal( copper) to the harder metal( steel).
Pure dream.

Jackie S with his re-cut chamber on very low round count is close, but i'll bet even he sees copper...maybe not.

Get rid of the barrel! now granted I am in SR Benchrest, where accuracy is paramount, and in the early days if a barrel started to copper you would keep it and work with it. But to-day, with what is out there, if a barrel coppers up, either use it for local matches or get rid of it. Just as a matter of fact, I have, lately, not had a barrel that coppered up until you get, in and around about 2000 rounds.
What causes copper fouling? well galling does. What happens is the barrel, through fatigue, starts to crack and then copper is picked up by the cracks. The next thing that happens is, as the bullets pass over the copper that the cracks have picked up, you have two like metals, under tremendous pressure, rub against each other and you get galling. Now as the galling is extended, you will get coppering all the way out the barrel. Am I a good shooter? used to be, but not in the last 20 years. Am I rich? NO! and that is why I say that unless you are going to one of the local matches, why waste money on a broken barrel? at a big match. Just my thoughts, fire away.
Get rid of the barrel! now granted I am in SR Benchrest, where accuracy is paramount, and in the early days if a barrel started to copper you would keep it and work with it. But to-day, with what is out there, if a barrel coppers up, either use it for local matches or get rid of it. Just as a matter of fact, I have, lately, not had a barrel that coppered up until you get, in and around about 2000 rounds.
What causes copper fouling? well galling does. What happens is the barrel, through fatigue, starts to crack and then copper is picked up by the cracks. The next thing that happens is, as the bullets pass over the copper that the cracks have picked up, you have two like metals, under tremendous pressure, rub against each other and you get galling. Now as the galling is extended, you will get coppering all the way out the barrel. Am I a good shooter? used to be, but not in the last 20 years. Am I rich? NO! and that is why I say that unless you are going to one of the local matches, why waste money on a broken barrel? at a big match. Just my thoughts, fire away.
Bill I think what you are talking about is different from what everybody else is talking about. Your talking about copper fouling barrels, and I agree if your barrels are getting copper fouled big time with not shooting a bunch of rounds get rid of it and I'm sure all the guys who responded to this thread know that also, but I'm just talking about shooting say a 1 yardage match with 50 rounds, you are going to have traces of copper in your barrel and that's a fact. I think what most of the guy's are talking about in this thread is what product works best for taking out the traces of copper left after using it in a match. I may be wrong about the interpretation of this thread?
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Bill I think what you are talking about is different from what everybody else is talking about. Your talking about copper fouling barrels, and I agree if your barrels are getting copper fouled big time with not shooting a bunch of rounds get rid of it and I'm sure all the guys who responded to this thread know that also, but I'm just talking about shooting say a 1 yardage match with 50 rounds, you are going to have traces of copper in your barrel and that's a fact. I think what most of the guy's are talking about in this thread is what product works best for taking out the traces of copper left after using it in a match. I may be wrong about the interpretation of this thread?

Yea, I'm talking about cleaning after each relay, 7 to 20 shots at a time. When a barrel is galled make it a tomato stake.