Cleaning a 6mm PPC



Can someone please tell me why a 6mm cleaning brush gets stuck in a 6ppc barrel, and also why when I use any patch larger than a .22 with a .22/6mm jag, the patch doesn't go through the barrel.

Tony Boyer in his recent book recommended using 1.75" patches. They NEVER go through either of my 6ppc barrels.

and also why when I use any patch larger than a .22 with a .22/6mm jag, the patch doesn't go through the barrel.
BoreTech will tell ya to offset the patch. Worked for my 6BR, centering the "standard" size on the jag, would not pass thru. Don't know why it works.

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Not having your equipment in front of me, I really can't do anything more constructive than tell you what I use.

For patches I use the common 1 3/8" square patches that Sinclair sells. My jag is typically the piercing type (made by or for Sinclair) designed to screw directly onto the male threads of my Dewey rod. (Their diameters are a perfect match.) I use one of my Bore tech rods to brush, mostly because it has female threads that I can screw brushes directly into without an adapter, and because I have it.

I find that pairing different brand rods as a set makes it easier to identify which one has the jag or brush when removing them from their storage case. I use the .22 CF diameter jag for my 6PPC barrels, not wanting a tight fit that would cause most of the solvent to be squeezed out of the patch, into the chamber, as it entered the bore, where it would do little to help clean the barrel.

I mostly shoot 133, and use Butch's Bore shine for a solvent, although I use other products, such as Wipe Out (bore cleaning foam) and JB.

The brushes, that I use, are bronze, 6mm size.

A friend who had grown tired of his coated rods trying to bow under the pressure created when starting a new brush down his rifles barrels, is quite happy with the additional stiffness that a polished Pro Shot gives him. (Without the coating the metal can be thicker which makes them stiffer.) I just pay more attention when I am, and get some help from my tube within a tube cleaning rod guide that Chet Whitebread made.

My used patches and brush splatter are captured by an old plastic soft drink bottle that is held in position by a Bore Tech Patch Hog, from back in the day, when I believe that I was the first one to do an article on their product line (for Shooters News).

All in all, I like how this combination of equipment and consumables performs.

I might mention one more thing. Of course I never try to run a dry patch through a dirty barrel, and the lubrication provided by my cleaning patches (as opposed to the ones that I use to dry the bore) being well wetted with solvent ( applied in a solvent port, in the back of my bore guide) keeps the effort needed to push then through the barrel down to a level that is quite manageable. Pushing a dry patch down a clean barrel to dry it, is not a problem.
One thing that I forgot to mention is that I keep a small pair of sharp scissors in my cleaning kit, that I use to cut down patches if I run into any fit issues. This does not happen very often, because I have learned what works for the various applications and buy accordingly, but on occasion they have come in handy.
Can someone please tell me why a 6mm cleaning brush gets stuck in a 6ppc barrel, and also why when I use any patch larger than a .22 with a .22/6mm jag, the patch doesn't go through the barrel.

Tony Boyer in his recent book recommended using 1.75" patches. They NEVER go through either of my 6ppc barrels.


Steve, the 1 3/4'' square patch works fine,but it has to be used with a rap around jag,not the piercing type.
Well, Stevie, it depends on the jag.
We use David Wick Jags with 1 3/8 patches for 6mm.

Right you are Francis. However, When the same size patches were used in my barrel with the Wick jag and went through with difficulty, I used a slightly smaller jag and all is well. Besides...that allows more cleaning solution to stay in the bore as well.
Can someone please tell me why a 6mm cleaning brush gets stuck in a 6ppc barrel, and also why when I use any patch larger than a .22 with a .22/6mm jag, the patch doesn't go through the barrel.

Tony Boyer in his recent book recommended using 1.75" patches. They NEVER go through either of my 6ppc barrels.


Try using Dewey Rods with Dewey Jags. I have the 22, 6mm and 30 caliber jags and use patches designed and cut for those calibers. I've never had a problem. If I want to vary the tightness within the barrel I simply pierce the patch along a diagonal line from a corner of the patch to the center of the patch, with the center pierce giving the tightest fit.

A 6mm brush, whether it be nylon or bronze, if it is truly a 6mm brush to begin with, will have no trouble passing through a 6mm barrel as the bristles will bend slightly to allow movement through the barrel. You might try another brand of brushes or review the diameter of the one you're attempting to use.

As I recall Mr Boyer uses a straight 22 caliber jag when he uses the larger patch. And again, moving from the corner to center of the patch on a diagonal line will vary the amount of force required to move the patch through the barrel. Also, some patch material is thicker than others which will either facilitate movement or hamper it. Try a different patch material or fabric. Sometimes two patches will stick together, make sure you're only using one.

True enough . My problem was that my coated rods are not as stiff as some others. Furthermore, they are longer than they need to be. Couple that with using pull down 8208, ( which is more than dirty), I have to clean as I do for saisfactory results.
Ditto on all that's been said about patches...but you have to push the brush all the way through or it will stick everytime - and the bristles will break off in your barrel.