
One thing I miss in the new classifieds is the date the items are posted for sale. It's helpful to know how long an ad has been there.
One thing I miss in the new classifieds is the date the items are posted for sale. It's helpful to know how long an ad has been there.

I know what you mean. In fact just last night I was wondering how old a particular ad is.

Oops I just noticed the current classifieds page does show date listing began, it is true you cannot tell it without actually looking at the individual ad but it is available.

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Oops I just noticed the current classifieds page does show date listing began, it is true you cannot tell it without actually looking at the individual ad but it is available.


OK, I see what you mean. However it is more useful if you can see the date when you are looking at the list of items.
OK, I see what you mean. However it is more useful if you can see the date when you are looking at the list of items.

It is not to the sellers advantage for you to be able to tell that without at least looking at the ad , and sellers not buyers pay the very modest fee Wilbur charges.

Besides that I can promise you from both selling and buying experience if an item is priced well the ad never gets old . I have had items I posted here sell within hours, and almost everything I ever posted sell within a day or two at most.
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