Chippewa SS Warmup Match


ER P. M.
I'm sure most all have heard long ago that our club will not be able to have our usual registered match the weekend prior to the Super Shoot. At least not this year.
But there will be a "club/fun" match On Saturday before the SS . This match is open to all, and will be shot 200 yrd. H.V. in the Am and 100 yrd HV after a short Lunch break. The only match cost is 5$ to cover targets, and we will be limited to 40 shooters. There will NOT be Moving backers (on your honor system) or a lunch provided, or a dedicated target crew. We will ask shooters to collect and hang targets on a voluntary basis, using our cart. and we do have a pizza shop that will deliver to the range.
This is the way our club runs our regular matches and it has worked for us for many years. So if you are interested in some local (to SS), structured, practice under match conditions, please consider joining us. Match will begin at 9 am on Sat. the 21st .
If you want to be sure to be included in the 40 bench setup you may contact us thru our club website or the President or Secretary as listed there. Otherwise, just show up a little early grab a bench and join us.