

Phil Deese

Any news out there on Craig Young {AKA Chipper} I was wondering how he was doing.

I was told you had a bad time (Health wise) at the shoot this weekend. Hope your doing ok and look forward to seeing you at a shoot in the near future. Phil, Phil, Phil........:eek:.......:D........:p???
I didn't know he was having problems, because I missed the barn shoot. I'll try and find out what's going on with him, and get back. Craig always gives us something to laugh about when shooting matches, and I sure hope he's doing well.
A piece of work that one

A little conversation with Craig is always a lift. I think he's a muse of sorts.
Craig,if you can read I hope you are doing okay. By the way did you hear the one about the pig,frog heck never mind I think you was the one that told me anyway! Best of luck and I hope your doing better.Jerry
I sure hope everything is fine. If you need anything let me know. When I get a chance I'll send you a box of chocolate covered peanuts......make sure the chocolate is on them though.:eek::eek::eek:
Chipper, I hate to hear that you DFO at the barn, wish I was there because we would have photos to blackmail you in the future... Rod DFO=done fell out
The Chipper Virus

I just talked to Craig and he said he's feeling a little bit better. He is still weak and running a low fever. The rest of you people better look out. I didn't feel bad when I woke up this morning, but now I'm running at both ends with a 102.5 fever. A friend of Craig's woke up with it this morning (the ones he has been staying with). I hope the rest of you guys don't get it. If you do, you're gonna have to get in line behind me to give him a butt whooping!
I just talked to Craig and he said he's feeling a little bit better. He is still weak and running a low fever. The rest of you people better look out. I didn't feel bad when I woke up this morning, but now I'm running at both ends with a 102.5 fever. A friend of Craig's woke up with it this morning (the ones he has been staying with). I hope the rest of you guys don't get it. If you do, you're gonna have to get in line behind me to give him a butt whooping!

Danny give him a week or so for that butt whooping its probably sore:eek:
Chip is back one more time!

Hey guys I faired pretty rough for 3 days there, finally get back home to an internet connection today about 3 pm. I thought it was something at the restaurant where we ate Sat. nite. so I offered 5g's to burn it down, later found it was a new stomach virus going around. Talked to Jeff last nite and he wanted his money for torching the place, may have to sell a gun or 2, so if you see it in the classifieds you will understand. I really appreciate all the help from Gary and Greg and Phil and Danny and DJ , ah this could go on and on Ill just say thanks from to the best people I have the privledge to hang around with about every weekend, rimfire benchresters! Special thanks to Danny Hepler and Alvis they beyond the call to get me and my equipment home Sunday nite. Again thanks to all see you soon.
I glad it wasn't the ribs!

I'm glad that you doing fine Craig. I was afraid it was more serious than a virus thankfully it wasn't.

I dont know if you are tough enough to go to Italy if you catch things so easy

I was not kidding the Ladies of the Night are every where
If you are going to go try to get ready
so you can make it back to all your Friends

Hope to see you in a couple of weeks
Your friend
Glad you made it thru ok. Get some rest, got a lot of shooting to do this Spring! If you need cash, get it from big Alvis:D Take care of yourself.

Cliff- With posts like that you're going to have a bunch of folks wanting to go to Italy. You're a great promoter ! The best!
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Chipper, I thought a good case of diarrhea would have killed you. Glad to see you are not as full of s_it as I thought.

Hey it damn near did kill me, but the saving grace was , it all came out the opposite end and left the mouth alone for important talking. Where have you been anyway? You quit shooting.. or are you skeereed?
Sounds like your back to normal, glad to have you back,,,,,,,,,,,,,Gary
Chipper, I have been sitting on the couch eating Bon-Bon's. I am starting a new job, teaching construction at the Technical College, my wife has had back surgery, and I need to finish the job I am on but, I will be at "The Crawfish". Sounds like you have just about worn the Jarhead down. He is talking about selling, Keep up the pressure.