Cartridge Holders?

Pete Wass

Well-known member
I often get frustrated trying to pull cartridges from the box they come in during a match. What have others come up with that makes it easier to handle cartridges? Ideally I woud like something that would slide into my Scott Crawford CF cartridge holder.


Nothing is easier, on every level, than dumping them out on a rag. Certainly, those of distinction will have a more sophisticated method but that's the best. DO NOT USE CARPET! The lube on the ammo is like a magnet to loose fibers.
Crabtree and Evelyn sells shaving soap in a covered dish made of (I think) Teak. It is perfect for a box of ammo and has a cover so works very well. If you have never shaved using shaving soap and a Badger brush you don't know what you are missing; if not give the soap to me. $15 plus shipping if your wife can't find a C&E store in the mall.
Crabtree and Evelyn sells shaving soap in a covered dish made of (I think) Teak. It is perfect for a box of ammo and has a cover so works very well. If you have never shaved using shaving soap and a Badger brush you don't know what you are missing; if not give the soap to me. $15 plus shipping if your wife can't find a C&E store in the mall.

I haven't shaved most of my face since 1980 and probably won't start any time soon :) but, I appreciate your thinking of me Bob.
I have a small plastic dish that I've added some base weight to. It has a push fit lid. I picked it up at a jumble sale. I think it was made by Tupperware back in the 60's.
Nothing is easier, on every level, than dumping them out on a rag. Certainly, those of distinction will have a more sophisticated method but that's the best. DO NOT USE CARPET! The lube on the ammo is like a magnet to loose fibers.

I sometimes regret discontinuing the ones I came up about 13 yrs. ago. My cost to have them CNC'd was $26.back them.
I still have one I kept just to look at now and then.
I have short stubby fingers that made pullling cartridges from Eley boxes too slow for ARA. And the last few cartridges always tipped the box insert. Not good for concentration when you've got 5 shots left and only 90 seconds to shoot them. So, I use MTM Case-gard Rimfire Ammo boxes (#SB-200). The boxes hold 50 rounds on the left side (exactly enough for two record targets) and 50 sighters on the right side. I really like having my record ammo on one side and my sighter ammo on the other. After every row of targets, I should be missing one row of cartridges. If not, I've lost count somewhere. Ever shoot two shots into a bull? Or miss a bull? These cases help. And the MTM case holds two more full Eley boxes in the middle. So, you can go to the line with 200 rounds in your case. The MTM cases hold the cartridges far enough apart and high enough to make retrieval fast and easy. The lids latch securely so you can preload your ammo at home and it will be safe till match time. And they make the cases in both blue and brown. So if you have two rifles that like different ammo, you can use the blue box for one rifle and the brown box for the other. I love them. Wouldn't be without them.
Hawkeye Wizard
I sometimes regret discontinuing the ones I came up about 13 yrs. ago. My cost to have them CNC'd was $26.back them.
I still have one I kept just to look at now and then.

Hi Joe, Penny and I are still useing your boxes, they are great. Sorry to hear you are not making them anymore.

I use the same boxes you do. To help with the ease of picking the ammo
up I glues regular old BB's with Elmers glue at the bottom of each ammo hole.
Gets the ammo raised enough but the cover still closes.
Pete call butch. He's making stepped cartridge holders out or corrian.. Rug merchant you know!! They look nice.
Pete call butch. He's making stepped cartridge holders out or corrian.. Rug merchant you know!! They look nice.

I am only interested in something I don't have to transfer cartridges to. I think I have found what I have been looking for. Thanks for the Butch info though, I will check with him.
I sometimes regret discontinuing the ones I came up about 13 yrs. ago. My cost to have them CNC'd was $26.back them.
I still have one I kept just to look at now and then.

I really, really didn't want to send back the one you supplied for those pictures. Nice piece of ammo box it was!
I really, really didn't want to send back the one you supplied for those pictures. Nice piece of ammo box it was!

Thank you Wilbur,
I have one left as I stated above , (with my name on a brass tag). I forgot you had one for the pics. Had I known you were that fond of it, I probably would have made you a gift of it. Wouldn't be the first time. If you've forgotton details, I have some exquisite color photo's of them. If I thought you'd open your e mail, I'd refresh your memory...
Best I can do is to see it gets sent to you in the event of my demise.
Thank you Wilbur,
I have one left as I stated above , (with my name on a brass tag). I forgot you had one for the pics. Had I known you were that fond of it, I probably would have made you a gift of it. Wouldn't be the first time. If you've forgotton details, I have some exquisite color photo's of them. If I thought you'd open your e mail, I'd refresh your memory...
Best I can do is to see it gets sent to you in the event of my demise.

Bring'em back Joe. The best .22 box invented by the hand of man. Mine goes back 12-13 years and I treasure it.
Tim Simbari
Bring'em back Joe. The best .22 box invented by the hand of man. Mine goes back 12-13 years and I treasure it.
Tim Simbari

Good evening Tim;

Yes, of COURSE I remember your name.
5238 E. Fox Hill Ln. You bought that on 8-25-98 ! In fact, I remember most of the names that have purchased one of my products. Yours had a particular ring to it.
Honestly, I still can't believe that came out of my mind. But then, there are a lot of guys in this business that have spent hours thinking about how to make a better "something".
Now people got me thinking again. Trouble was Tim, there were so many moves (steps) to be taken and tool changes. The price of any more of these in the future would certainly be a bunch. One has to big is the market and are they willing to pay that price ?
They have to have a $3000. rifle, or two, but it pretty much stops there .
But thank you and the rest for the kind words.