Capitol City, Me 8/11 Club UL Match

Pete Wass

Well-known member
7 shooters braved the 90* afternoon breezes at our final UL After Work Club Match today in Augusta. Some pretty good scores were shot in spite of the shifty conditions. Thanks to all who came and hope to see you this weekend.


1. Paul Bendix 249-15
2. Gary Hamilton 249-14
3. Klayton Hayes 248-18

UL 2

1. Gary Hamilton 250-18
2. Keith Royal 250-17
3. Paul Bendix 250-13

UL 3

1. Gary Hamilton 250-16
2. Paul Bendix 249-17
3. Keith Royal 249-13


1. Gary Hamilton 749-48
2. Paul Bendix 748-45
3. Keith Royal 747-46
Thanks again Pete for all that you do. Hate to see summer coming to an end! The Tuesday shoots are my favorite.
Hope the big guy recovers quickly but he looked to be in quite a bit of pain. Get well Klayton!
Thanks for running the Matches at CCRP sure enjoy the Tue night matches!
Gary kicked our butt even driving 1,000 miles from N.C. with only a couple of hours sleep!
Hope Klayton has a speedy recovery.

Congrats to Keith on his first 250 this year!

Will miss Sat. Shoot but will make it back in time for Sundays.

Thanks Fella's

I appreciate your kind words. Perhaps next year, I won't draw bench 6 every time :). See ya's this weekend.

Congrats to every one. Sounds like yall had a good shoot. Hats off to Keith on his first 250 of the year
Me and Bobby will be up to shoot with you guys this coming Saturday. Take it easy on us. Remember it's
only a game.
Congrats to every one. Sounds like yall had a good shoot. Hats off to Keith on his first 250 of the year
Me and Bobby will be up to shoot with you guys this coming Saturday. Take it easy on us. Remember it's
only a game.

That's the best attitude Ray. When it becomes work or an obsession, time to think about it some.
