Can you imagine someone doing this at a match?


e publius unum
I've been bicycling for a couple of years and belong to a forum similar to but biking oriented. This post popped up today; read it and see if you could imagine in your wildest dreams someone pulling this stunt at a match. For a few moments, everyone would be too stunned to react but then there would be violence.

This is from and is pasted verbatim below (BTW: titanium bikes are VERY expensive, maybe pushing $10K):

I'm really really angry...
I've always wanted a midnight blue bike, but for some reason ended up with other colors. That is, until I got my custom Indy Fab Ti built. I was going to go without the paint and just get the naked titanium. However, my family suggested this would be the perfect time to get my "blue bike". So, I did. Well, I've been remarkably careful with this bike during its first full year of its life. There was not a scratch, ding, or chip anywhere on it. That is until yesterday. I stopped to talk to a couple of friends on my ride, one of whom hadn't seen my new ride. As he was looking it over he said that it was "pristine" and asked if I just picked it up this week. I indicated that I got it last year. He reached into his jersey pocket, pulled out his car keys and whacked the drive side seat stay, putting a very small chip in the paint, while proudly announcing, "There. That's better. Now you don't have to worry about that first scratch." Honest to God, I was half and inch from rage... there's a reason I don't carry a gun. I think I would have shot the SOB in the foot.

I'm still and ready to on his ass. He may never be welcome in my home again. What a completely stupid thing to do.
Hi Tom,
I believe you have met my granddaughter Jamie, we got to take her to Rachels Glen this year thanks to her mothers permission. Her mother was concerned she would be around adult filthy language. I assured her it would not be a problem, as "my friends don't do that around women or children". Long story short, at the end of the weekend, I said, "We've got some good friends don't we", she beamed up at me and said "yes you do!"---"Did you hear anyone cussing?" --"No I didn't "----So yeah, I'm in the corner that says it's a different breed of people that shoot benchrest.
Be well my friend,
After the initial shock I can see the guy who just had his bike keyed jamming the offender's keys down his throat as far as he could reach. I cannot imagine anyone doing this at a BR match or any other sort of shooting match for that matter. Someone might mess with your head, but not with your equipment.
The first scratch

I bought and paid for my first new pickup in college and was pretty proud of it and was showing it to a friend and he did the same damned thing. He reached in his pocket and pulled out his keys and put a scratch in the bed. I was crushed, but it wasn't long before I'd added a few scratches of my own even though I tried to be careful. Bottom line, I didn't hold it against him. Would I do that to someone? Never. My dad cut into the side of the box with a chain saw and probably felt worse about it than I did.

My dad was starting to get dementia when I got my second new pickup (22 year later) and backed into it and did $3K damage to it. The hardest part was having to tell him he couldn't drive anymore. You can fix pickups, but you can't fix dementia. - nhk
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Re dementia, my mom died with Alzheimer's and I'd just as soon be taken out and shot as die that way. Sorry about your dad, and yes stuff can be fixed, but dementia can't be.
On the bike, I can seriously imagine myself laying my bike down (on the grass) pulling out my keys, looking him in the eye, and asking where he was parked. It might be interesting what he had to say as I approached his car. I don't know if I would really scratch it, but it would be interesting to see what happened. As I have said before, there is no shortage of a------- in the world.
That would infuriate me like one would not believe. I was never a fighter. My Dad made up for what his sons did not do. Dad always said make the first shot count. I would grab the SOB by the testicles and squeeze until his eyes popped out of his Frig+++ head. Hopefully I would stop at that. I am glad I never played hockey. I may be in jail today for to many 2 handers with the stick of of the opponents head.

My brother had a friend who had a brain fart simiular to this fellow. He was under the influence. That does not ake things right though.
We see this stuff in the more liberal states. New pair of boots/shoes. Jerks gotta step on them.
Happened once. Where I work now. Most people remember. This jerk wasn't too careful. He missed the steel toe. Got the side of my foot.
Someone had an accident. No blood. That big heavy thing missed his steel toe.
I had just painted my front bumper guard. To match the truck. Put it on. Next day go to the store. Some jerk let a shopping cart go, as I was pulling in to a spot. Tried to back up. Blocked. Cart hits bumper guard, pretty hard. Was it an accident???? Not sure, but the jerk had a smile on his face as he was leaving.
I would have taken his keys and tossed them in the nearest river. NOBODY would ever try that in my group. I don't roll, shoot, or, tolerate people like that in my life.
It leaves you to wonder how he conducts his life in other areas. If he did that to my frame he would still be looking for a place to land ! If it was an accident then...well yes ok but to do it on purpose ?? Has he a disorder or something i wonder, that isnt how most of us operate.