Camp Maria Yelm WA. USARB 7/14/2018 Match Report

Dave Zinski

New member
Saturday July 14th I again found everyone helping set up before the match and again after it helping to put everything away. I feel very lucky to be with this group of shooters. I must call out and thank Jim Benson, Ron Price, Matt Spradlin and Ryan Morrisette for all your time and help. Match Director Dave Zinski

CAMP MARIA 7/14/ 2018
Relay 1 25 meters outdoors
Name Class Equipment target 1 x's target 2 x's target 3 x's total score total x's
Jim Benson LV Thomas Pistol 177cal T1 242 5x T2 238 2x T3 239 5x 719 12x
Dave Zinski LV Thomas 177cal T1 237 5x T2 245 4x T3 238 5x 720 14x
Matt Spradlin HV RAW BM 500 177cal T1 234 1X T2 241 9x T3 240 4x 715 14x
Ron Price HV Thomas 177cal T1 249 12x T2 249 10x T3 246 14x 744 36x
Ryan Morrisette HV RAW BM 500 177cal T1 231 1x T2 235 3x T3 232 3x 698 7x

Relay 2 25 meters outdoors
Jim Benson LV Thomas Pistol 177cal T1 233 3x T2 239 3x T3 241 6x 713 12x
Dave Zinski LV Thomas 177cal T1 236 4x T2 238 5x T3 235 4x 709 13x
Matt Spradlin HV RAW BM 500 177cal T1 231 4x T2 231 5x T3 239 1x 701 10x
Ron Price HV Thomas 177cal T1 249 11x T2 245 8X T3 247 10X 741 29X
Ryan Morrisette HV BM 500 177cal T1 230 6x T2 232 6x T3 227 3x 689 15x

Match Director: Dave Zinski