Gambler did you shoot this at the nationals? if so how did it shoot.
which brings up a point i've been wondering about.
if you use a longer barrel won't the speed of the bullet
drop in velocity some? possibly in the range of speeds
that people were saying they couldn't buy unless
you were one of the favored few. in other words why
not just get a longer barrel?
Why was my post deleted?
$6500 and it doesn’t use a noodle, don’t sound right to me.
I shot 5 championship matches with my Hall this year and it does have a noodle. I won 4 and only lost the other by 3 x-rings, love my noodle.
As I said, $6500 and it doesn’t use a Pappas noodle, just don’t sound right to me.
It is interesting to see how prices are eroding. Last one I remember was $11,000. Now $6250. If it keeps going in that direction, I may be able to afford one