"Calfee Listeners"

Cabin Mike

Team Calfee "Big Dog"
I think it is time for the people that enjoy reading Calfee's threads to let it be known.

All of his detractors seem to find a way to steer his threads off course or cause him to give up in trying to teach us ways to find our own answers.

Bill knows that if we are all told something we may buy into it or we may not......but, if we use some of the information he gives us, and then work it our for ourselves, we will experience an ahha moment that we know it works for us or it doesn't.....that will mean we have acctually learned something......He wants to teach us how to find our own answers not just tell us his answers.....Although a lot of the times the answers will be the same and our understanding will have been elevated. My comprehension increases as the level of my involvment increases......I learn more by doing....The old "Teach a Man to Fish" story works for me.

Yes, I do have Calfee guns and I'm proud to have Bill Calfee as a friend.

Now, how about a short post from everyone that enjoys reading Bill's posts'.

Mike Sherrill

There is an old saying , you can lead them to water , but you cant make them drink ...

I have nothing but respect , for those that chose to share knowledge ..

No two people will ever see exactly the same , but surely there is something to sharing , and if you dont like what you read , go else where ....

When you can build a better gun than Bill Calfee , perhaps then you have earned the right to dis-agree with the man ...

Bill Calfee and I have been friends since the days of BR-50, and I enjoyed reading any bits of information that he provides us..

Keep it up Bill..

Dave Smith
count me in

There is a tremendous amount of experience and knowledge in his posts.As one of the most respected members here always says," The proof is in the competitive arena" I wish I could speak to him personally.
Thanks Bill.
James Whitten
I always enjoy reading Bill's posts or his articles. I think he was one of the most popular writers in the history of PS and he appears to be the most popular (for better or worse) poster here. I used to think the impersonal forum criticism would get to Bill, but after talking to him the last time I was in Indiana, I find that's not the case. Bill is very capable of taking care of himself and give as good as he gets.
I am one

I also enjoy reading what Bill has to say. He does have a different style of writing to say the least, but I understand where he is coming from. For the most part, I understand EVERYTHING he is saying. I jsut wish I had more time to experiment with it. There are some out there, the just wait in the grass to pounce on anything he says. Some have given up also. He does drag it out quite a bit and I wish he would get to the point a little faster. Most of the time he never finishes a though on here because of the distractors. I guess the test is on the CF board. We will see if he does finish his thought, but I think for the most part he has. The one thing I didn't need was thw #1 and #2.....

Keep it up Bill!!! :D

Your supporter,
On learning

I saw this the other day and liked it. Thought I would share.
I hear, I forget
I see, I remember
I do, I understand
I also enjoy reading what Bill has to say. He does have a different style of writing to say the least, but I understand where he is coming from. For the most part, I understand EVERYTHING he is saying. I just wish I had more time to experiment with it. There are some out there, the just wait in the grass to pounce on anything he says. Some have given up also. He does drag it out quite a bit and I wish he would get to the point a little faster. Most of the time he never finishes a thought on here because of the distractors. I guess the test is on the CF board. We will see if he does finish his thought, but I think for the most part he has. The one thing I didn't need was thw #1 and #2.....

Keep it up Bill!!! :D

Your supporter,

I agree Denny. I look at Bill as something akin to the Crater of Diamonds State Park - You can find a million $ in diamonds there IF you're willing to sift through enough useless gravel. And learn to recognize the good stuff for what it is.
Bill.............................................. ..................

Has my respect and friendship....I have always enjoyed his articles and his work.
Most of those who bash Bill on here has never met him or been around him. He would give you the shirt off of his back and ask nothing in return. The only cards in ARA I have shot, I owe to Bill. He loaned me his personal XP, ammo and even paid for the cards, what more can you ask of a person. He had given his time and dedication to the shooting sports with very little in return, nor has he asked for any, just a little respect. Well Bill, you have mine and hope to see you again soon.

Kevin Hovis
I now have two of Bill's rifles and find it a pleasure to both talk to Friend Bill and read his articles. It is a thrill to shoot his rifles as well!
I'm growing very tired of the constant attacks on him but they will not change my mind about him. He is a fine man and deserves better treatment than he gets.
Thank You Friend Bill
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I think most of the people beatin' up on Bill are just sore loosers who find out they have been building rifles assbackwards all their life. Sore loosers not smart enough to think of the experiments he has done.
Look at how much time and money he has put into his experiments and then shared the results with us.


on barrel threads
on chambers
on throats
on triggers
on locking lugs
on firing pins
on barrel slugging
on barrel ringing
on action trueing

on ANYTHING --- It's kinda put up or shut up
I don't know Mr. Calfee, nor do I have one of his rifles (would love an XP someday). I have however, read some of his articles, and I thoroughly enjoy them. I get a kick out of how he'll be talking about slugging barrels in one sentence and then talking about his favorite flavor of ice cream in the next. I'm by no means, going to bash anyone that has many years of experience in BR shooting or smithing, because I'm just starting out. Just about everyone on this board seems like a genius to me, and I'll gather as much knowledge as I can from everyone. I'm amazed at how friendly and trusting everyone involved with BR is. But it seems that when Mr. Calfee is brought up, everyone feels they need to take sides. If you enjoy reading Calfees articles and posts (as I do, even though I don't always understand them) than keep reading, if you don't like his stuff, than don't read it.
I am new to the sport, and wish to learn as much about it that I possibly can. I gleaned more useful information from reading the articles on Bill's site (for free) than I have in an entire book...which was 29.95.
And no Bill, I won't send you the 30 bucks....unless you write a book that is. Then I'll be the first to pre-order.
Thanks, tim
Freind Decr8er

My friend:

I quote from you:

And no Bill, I won't send you the 30 bucks....unless you write a book that is. Then I'll be the first to pre-order.
Thanks, tim

Friend Tim or "tim": stay tuned..it's in the works.....

Your friend, Bill Calfee
How many people can honestly say they havn't learned a thing from Bill? I am not one of them.
I've always enjoyed reading Bill's articles in PS. I really hate the fact that he is no longer writing for them. Bill had a lot of great ideas that worked, and that continue to repeat working. I don't own a Calfee rifle but many of my friends do that I enjoy shooting with weekly. Bill puts together a consistent shooting rifle. Not everyone does that, day in and day out. I'll continue to read whatever he or anyone else writes on improving rimfire accuracy.
Well said, Kent and all. I always enjoy his threads and articles. I am lucky enough to own a Calfee rifle and appreciate the attention to detail that he puts into a rifle. Just look at the scores and wins that his rifles post. That speaks for itself. Keep'em coming Bill Calfee,
It got to the point I could not wait for P.S magizine to come so I could read his article. He was refreshing and informative to say the least.I am a retired machinist,toolmaker and somewhat of a gunsmith. I do not agree with all he has to say, but I have to listen because he and his guns do a lot of winning.Keep on writing Bill, I for one will be listening.M.A.C.
Hmmmmmm, Cat is out of the bag.....

stay tuned..it's in the works.....

Well Bill,
I for one would pre-order one of your books. I was hoping it would come some day.

Like I have said in the past. I have really enjoyed your articles. I really get a lot out of them, just wish I had more time to put my thoughts into action, and that you were still writing them.

Have a good night!

ps: If you want me to proof read it, just let me know... :D