"C" word



Here we goooooooo!!!!!! During an interview Governor Cuomo used the confiscation word today.
Think about it!
Come and get them! Vinny get out of that place an come North, The snow is great this time of year. There going to make us all felons. Vinny give me a call !

Joe Salt
Like father -like son on Cuomos both Gun Grabbers. We even have them (Giver- Aways) in our own sport nowadays. Happy New Year Joe (Cathy) and Vinny.
vinny, judging by the empty shelves I'd guess theres quite a few gunowners that already have "thought about it";)
Aka the KENNEDY connection or should I say the KENNEDY agenda

Teddy (God rest his Liberal soul) and Rahm subscribe to the same philosophy, "Never waist a crisis". Liberal/progressives will take advantage of any crisis regardless of how ruthless that crisis was to further their ideological agenda. Twenty dead children and six dead teachers at the hand of a maniac, perfect opportunity to further their anti-gun position. I have teachers in my own building trying to brainwash students into thinking this crisis is grounds for a 2nd amendment repeal.
Teddy (God rest his Liberal soul) and Rahm subscribe to the same philosophy, "Never waist a crisis". Liberal/progressives will take advantage of any crisis regardless of how ruthless that crisis was to further their ideological agenda. Twenty dead children and six dead teachers at the hand of a maniac, perfect opportunity to further their anti-gun position. I have teachers in my own building trying to brainwash students into thinking this crisis is grounds for a 2nd amendment repeal.
The process, being what it is to amend the constitution..that would not be a bad thing IMO, as it would likely never get by the states.
I know this is totally politically incorrect.

Instead of confiscating guns from level minded law abiding citizens, we just take them from the people who are having or have a history of mental illness? Also have relatives and others involved with these people required to report them. A review board would look at the history of the candidate to verify entrance in a no gun possession or buying data base.

But some say all these people are not violent. Neither is a felon that only stole cars and never hurt anyone. He still can't buy a firearm either.
NFA -- commonly mis-called "Class 3" --is far better than "confiscation."

Q: How can an individual legally acquire NFA firearms? Basically, there are 2 ways that an individual (who is not prohibited by Federal, State, or local law from receiving or possessing firearms) may legally acquire NFA firearms:

  1. By transfer after approval by ATF of a registered weapon from its lawful owner residing in the same State as the transferee.
  2. By obtaining prior approval from ATF to make NFA firearms.

Cuts down on impulse sales though, so the manufacturers would hate it, as do the organizations which mainly represent manufacturers.

Wouldn't we rather go down in flames?
My brother blew me away when he told me that it was time that I "woke up" and it was time to severely restrict the types of guns available to the population. He thinks they should be limited to bolt action rifles of three rounds total. He's a big deer hunter. Wonder why he expects that the totalitarians will respect his personal firewall. They freely admit that they want them all.
Sorry guys but I don't want any new laws against the good guys, I want them against the bad guys, Mandiatory ten year sentence for anyone trying to buy a gun that is a felon. Twenty years for possessing a stolen gun, twentyfive for a crime committed with a gun, and life for murdering someone with a gun. Then one just coming into this country should not be alowed to own a gun for twentyone years to prove themself like I had to before I could own a hand gun! Leave me the hell alone.

Joe Salt
Twenty years for possessing a stolen gun...,
I find mandatory minimums silly. I have, for example, a Glock 24 that was awarded to my sister during her divorce. I'm fairly certain that her ex made a false report to the police that all his guns had been stolen. He had refused to provide an inventory to the court, so the court just handed down a blanket award of all his guns to my sister. That means that I'm in possession of a firearm that's probably reported stolen and for which there is no good paper trail showing that I own it. I could eventually beat the rap, sure, but I don't want to be bothered with it. I've just decided this is one gun I'll never part with.

I think it would be silly if some sloppy police work, an overzealous prosecutor, and a lousy defense might get a conviction but that the judge would have his hands tied and be unable to reduce the sentence to something short that could later be expunged.

Punish the crime. Don't pile on charges because of the tools used. Possession of $500 worth of stolen property should be punished the same whether the stolen property is a pistol or a pallet of toothpicks.
Next will be a liscense and a fee, then taxes, then confiscation' Oh how NEW YORK loves to TAX''
Oh by the way NEW YORK penal code states that if you have 10 firearms or more, It a misdimenor 3 misdomenors in NEW YORK State = felony
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Next will be a liscense and a fee, then taxes, then confiscation' Oh how NEW YORK loves to TAX''
Oh by the way NEW YORK penal code states that if you have 10 firearms or more, It a misdimenor 3 misdomenors in NEW YORK State = felony

New York border in my rear view mirror is a fine sight. Too bad, it's such a pretty state, at least upstate.
benenglish I was talking NEW YORK STATE your laws are quite a bit different than ours, all hand guns have to be registered no matter how you come by them. Syracuse, has about a shooting a day, something needs to be done. The permit holders are not doing this! GerryM were does it say n.y. YOU CAN ONLY HAVE 10 FIREARMS, I almost have that in bench rifles. Something else they probobly snuck though.

Joe Salt
Joe that was snuck thru . I almost fell over when I read it in the book. Syracuse PD trains at our club along with the sheriffs dept.
They had a copy of the penal code at the club for some reason. Bill our president was thumbing thru it ,passing some time away when he found that clause.
It was a shocker for quite a few of us. Many of the police were unaware of it also, until they read it.
Joe the ghetto here is a war ZONE. police have their hands full. Liberal judges too. Syracuse {city is usually LIBERAL due to SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY and it school of law.
glad I live in the far north burbs