buying ammo.


derek casey

where is the best place to buy test lots of ammo? i'll be buying several lots for testing next month and need to know who or where to get the best choices from.
Well, it used to be Bob Collins for Eley 478-472-7176, and Ron Hoehn for Lapua 636-745-8144. Haven't bought recently so don't know for sure they are still in business.

Charlie Scott has Lapua test lots. I'll look up his phone number.

His phone number is 913-649-7658 and he has an ad in the classifieds here under, you guessed it, Ammunition! Says in the ad that it is the last shipment before price increase....
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Derek, be aware of one thing. Buying test lots doesn't guarentee that the lot that shots well will be availible when you order some more. Thats what annoys a lot of people about the ammo suppliers.
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