Bridgeville, DE Oct. 19th & 20th IBS 600 yard Benchrest matches


The October 600 yard IBS Benchrest matches are on Saturday 10/19 and Sunday 10/20 at Bridgeville Rifle and Pistol Club. Sign-up begins at 8:00 am and shooting starts at 10:00 am on both days.

We shoot Light Gun (less than 17 lbs.) Heavy Gun (unlimited weight) and Factory Gun classes. IBS shooter of the year points are awarded on both days for Light and Heavy classes. Bridgeville shooter of the year points are awarded for all 3 classes as well.

New shooters, come on out and introduce yourself. Any of the regulars will gladly buddy up with you and make your experience a positive one! Any questions about the 600 benchrest shoots, post here in this thread and you'll get answers!

See you on the line!