brenchrest shooting at 10 meter mark class



how about a class that use the 10.meter air rifle with a fixed power
scope -x-4-power with targets sits at the 10 meter range like the indoor
international typle shooting but outdoors with the rules set up like the other class typles:)
10 m benchrest

I think that your idea of 10 m bench rest with 10m rifles is not a bad idea. But I also think that we would be pushing the match directors too hard. More classes to score, more targets to set up more work.

I think that if a match director was willing to set up a 10m match then he should be able to do so. But it would be an optional class and not scored by the sanctioning body.

It would be up to a group of people to demonstrate the intrest and participation in the class to demonstrate the need for such a class.

Further, scoped 10 m rifles shooting off a bench even at the existing target page, at 10 m from a rest, would be like shooting fish in a barrel. Iron sights would add a little edge to the competition, but perfect scores should be obtainable with PCP 10 m rifles using quality pellets.

So, it is my humble opinion that if you want to ddo it at your match or if a match director is willing to set up for this class, have at it. But I don't think it shoulld be considered by the national orginization until interest and participation dictates a need for the class.

I don't know about ya'll, but I feel like the bench rest rifle club I belong to is not interested in air gun shooting. The rimfire group is sour on air guns for some reason going back a few years. It is doubtful at this time that we could even share the range at the same time that the rimfire bench rest shooters are using it, even though we would not ask for scoring and follow their range commands so as to lesson our impact on their game.

I think we need to get this current association set up and shooting. Then, if demand is there, I am sure that the national asssociation would listen to a proposal for a class shooting at 10 m. But until then, I think we need to try to get the game going. I think we need a year minimum to gauge acceptance and popularity of this venue. Some clubs like the one I belong to have had their match schedules set since October of last year.

What I would like to see is air gun bench rest matches as stand alone matches. That way a person does not have to choose which match to compete in, rim fire or air rifle when there is only one match per week or less. I think that this is not going to happen over night. We may get some people who will eventually prefer air gun to rimfire and by participation in matches will show a demand for their preference.

Just some thoughts. And the opinions are only mine and worth exactly what they cost. I wish for the success of the Air gun Bench rest group. I like it.

I remain,

Dan Hankins

I'm with Dan. "You need to learn to crawl before you walk" and after that you can run.

There are 3P matches all around you, you just have to find them. Those that I've spoken to, don't care for Benchrest, and the one that is interested in BR, isn't interested in 3P.
i all ready shoot the 10.meter rifle

i was justing looking set up the something diff with out going out and buy a new rifle and scope
i have a walther lg 300 match air rifle with sights i was looking to maybe add a scope for the summer time use of the rifle
shooting 10.meters indoors is a lot harder than poeple seams to thinks
buy useing the same sized target on a outdoor setting with wind blowing and other factors it would be not like shooting fish a barrel as someone said in
above post
plus have you look at a 10.meter target sized bullseyes it very small typle
about the sized of a dime in total overall size of the bullseyes
the 10.ring is the size of a pinhead
so set up a dime at 33.ft and look at though a fixed low power scope and
see if you call it shooting fish in a barrel
buy useing the same rifle that i all ready have i would not have to learn a new typle of action that cocks diff for the match system
and buy useing a limted fixed power scope set up you cut down on the race gear junkies that have seam to get involed with sport now
plus the rifle is all ready set up for me to shoot so no new rifle to set up
thanks for the info on the idea
There is a class for match rifles with scopes. It does not require a high dollar scope to shoot at 25 more expensive than what you are talking about. Put your scope on your gun and come out and shoot at 25 yds with the target that we have specified and show us how good you are.
the closed club to me is

i think the close club to me is the oxnard ca club
i will try to get the time off to try and see if there is a match go
on in the area
it has taken me about 4 years to get to the level where i am at in the 10 meter international comp i still not have broken the 400 mark
i mainly shoot on the weekend when i have time off