Brady Report


Club Coordinator
I went to see Brady this morning and couldn't believe how good he looked. He's feeling great and says the doctors are so pleased with his progress they have put his amputation surgery on hold for a time. He may not even have to have it done.
He's feeling great and says the doctors are so pleased with his progress they have put his amputation surgery on hold for a time. He may not even have to have it done.

Tell Brady that one of his Bama friends is pleased to hear that news.
Thanks for the good news Mickey.

Prayers do work, keep praying guys and gals.

Thats Brady and he needs our support.
I think it's just kick'en in that he realized on how far behind he his getting on his bullet making and he has to get the hell out of there.

Let's go Brady them dies need some attention.

Prayer's are with ya!!!
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