br stock for a win 52c ?


Well-known member
since , by rule, my 52c is not a "stock" rifle and must shoot against full blown custom rifles i am looking at adding a br stock, anyone know of a source for a 52c br stock ??
i may add a flat to the forearm in the mean time.
Most after-market BR Stock will work, as long as your Gunsmith knows how to bed a rifle. Do you plan on using a magazine or shoot it single shot?
yeah about that..
i do most of my "gunsmithing" but have no mill. so really need a prefitted stock i can bed and finish,
St. Louis Plains Rifle Co
lists woof prefitted laminated, waiting to hear from them.
all my other stocks are 'glass and foam.
trying to keep the cost down....i only have $450 in the 52c( without scope and base)

Most after-market BR Stock will work, as long as your Gunsmith knows how to bed a rifle. Do you plan on using a magazine or shoot it single shot?
since , by rule, my 52c is not a "stock" rifle and must shoot against full blown custom rifles i am looking at adding a br stock, anyone know of a source for a 52c br stock ??
I may add a flat to the forearm in the mean time.
t6hanks alot bart bill brawand.
since , by rule, my 52c is not a "stock" rifle and must shoot against full blown custom rifles i am looking at adding a br stock, anyone know of a source for a 52c br stock ??
i may add a flat to the forearm in the mean time.

I have really been trying not to post on these forums, but you have really pushed some stuff too far. You have posted this untrue crap on another board and you really DON'T GET IT!

Your rifle is stock.....everyone but you understands that. Your rifle is a factory rifle. Again, we all understand, you don't. You have posted elsewhere the ARA Factory class rules are out of date.....they have only been around for less than 2 years. How out of date could they be? The rules of the sanctioning body you keep assaulting are the rules of the class, period. Those rules DO NOT state your rifle is NOT STOCK, those rules DO NOT state your rifle is not FACTORY. They state your rifle is excluded from the class because they dictate it isn't. Just like a bunch of other rifles that are STOCK and are FACTORY. What don't you get about that?

You got very sage advise on another board. Hundreds of shooters have embraced the ARA Factory class and are having a wonderful time competing against other rifles that keep the class a level playing field. You have stated also that your rifle when new, cost within the class rules. Well, manufacture a rifle on par with yours since the class came to be and see what it would cost today. How much did gas cost when your rifle was new? Again, you don't get it.

If you don't like the rules, start your own sanctioning body that conforms to YOUR thoughts on how it should be done. If that doesn't work for you, then find some matches where you can shoot your rifle and be happy with that. Your claims about "stock" and "factory" are simply NOT TRUE in anyway. They are merely your opinions because you are ticked off a sanctioning body, a very well respected sanctioning body I may add, doesn't fit into your little niche. This has been hashed over again and again for sometime on many boards. Heck, you have even brought your untrue, misguided opinion to a cleaning thread no less! Give it up dude, rules are rules. Even most non sanctioned matches have rules. Since you whine and cry about shooting ARA Unlimited with your rifle, where your rifle is legal, perhaps find something else.

Over the years, since 22 RF Benchrest first started to be a Discipline, when someone didn't like the "Rules", they started their own "Discipline". Have at it my friend, you just might start something you like.
thanks for the positive input on where to get a br stock for my 52c.
i hope you feel better now that you have blown off some steam.

I have really been trying not to post on these forums, but you have really pushed some stuff too far. You have posted this untrue crap on another board and you really DON'T GET IT!

Your rifle is stock.....everyone but you understands that. Your rifle is a factory rifle. Again, we all understand, you don't. You have posted elsewhere the ARA Factory class rules are out of date.....they have only been around for less than 2 years. How out of date could they be? The rules of the sanctioning body you keep assaulting are the rules of the class, period. Those rules DO NOT state your rifle is NOT STOCK, those rules DO NOT state your rifle is not FACTORY. They state your rifle is excluded from the class because they dictate it isn't. Just like a bunch of other rifles that are STOCK and are FACTORY. What don't you get about that?

You got very sage advise on another board. Hundreds of shooters have embraced the ARA Factory class and are having a wonderful time competing against other rifles that keep the class a level playing field. You have stated also that your rifle when new, cost within the class rules. Well, manufacture a rifle on par with yours since the class came to be and see what it would cost today. How much did gas cost when your rifle was new? Again, you don't get it.

If you don't like the rules, start your own sanctioning body that conforms to YOUR thoughts on how it should be done. If that doesn't work for you, then find some matches where you can shoot your rifle and be happy with that. Your claims about "stock" and "factory" are simply NOT TRUE in anyway. They are merely your opinions because you are ticked off a sanctioning body, a very well respected sanctioning body I may add, doesn't fit into your little niche. This has been hashed over again and again for sometime on many boards. Heck, you have even brought your untrue, misguided opinion to a cleaning thread no less! Give it up dude, rules are rules. Even most non sanctioned matches have rules. Since you whine and cry about shooting ARA Unlimited with your rifle, where your rifle is legal, perhaps find something else.

actually rules can be simple
we ran sporter and target factory classes...( no custom)
another group rank the shooter and moved them up as their scores moved up.

there are options, including me shooting my 52c in custom with an improved bag riding ability.
look it up
register online, no cost
find and attend a local match
( from what i understand it is a fairly new group. may(???) be asssociated with killough shooting sports..big 22rf company)
i like shooting various programs. i had fun i will go back. but the rules make not sense to me.

5x5 bullseye target 20 min per target, 4 target match less than 2 hours total.

What is the name of your new discipline, and where can we attend?
What one finds

actually rules can be simple
we ran sporter and target factory classes...( no custom)
another group rank the shooter and moved them up as their scores moved up.

there are options, including me shooting my 52c in custom with an improved bag riding ability.

with "Factory" classes is folks keep buying and trading factory guns until they find one that will win matches. Been there, done that. There has to be rules that limit an equipment race, to some degree, a claiming rule is one but usually will shut down the class, over time. Al of these classes have been tried all over the place. A few folks move up to custom rifles and the others give up. There is a compelling reason Factory Classes have failed over time and the Custom and Unlimited classes have survived.

over my term here on earth I have seen a lot of various "factory " class rules. Same with "sporter" . The over all problem is how far one can bend / strech the rules.
There are 2 types of 52c's one is a match rifle with a meduim or heavy weight barrel- very common . The other is a sporter in the pure sense of the word with a relativly light tapered barrel.- these are kind rare.

Putting a wolf in sheep's clothing does not make it a sheep.
I'm familiar with 52's

over my term here on earth I have seen a lot of various "factory " class rules. Same with "sporter" . The over all problem is how far one can bend / strech the rules.
There are 2 types of 52c's one is a match rifle with a meduim or heavy weight barrel- very common . The other is a sporter in the pure sense of the word with a relativly light tapered barrel.- these are kind rare.

Putting a wolf in sheep's clothing does not make it a sheep.

Personally, I don't see any reason a 52 wouldn't qualify if it's old enough but I can see why they don't allow them. They are looking at today's dollars. I met a fellow at an ARA indoor shoot years ago who shot his 52 in the Unlimited class there. He belonged to a club that shot the old target rifles, 52's and 37, etc. Most Rimfire rifles available under the current rules can't compete, generally, with 52's or 37's or Anschutz or Suhl's or any of the others. Factory classes during my 20 some years have been designed for less expensive rifles. The idea is to grow new members and or shooters at a less expensive entry, in my opinion. there are way more Marlins and Rugers than 52's, as I'm sure you know.

say what you want the proof is on the targets.
today a 52c target cannot keep up with a custom.
and from the scores modern sporters can out shoot a 52c in sporter.

over my term here on earth I have seen a lot of various "factory " class rules. Same with "sporter" . The over all problem is how far one can bend / strech the rules.
There are 2 types of 52c's one is a match rifle with a meduim or heavy weight barrel- very common . The other is a sporter in the pure sense of the word with a relativly light tapered barrel.- these are kind rare.

Putting a wolf in sheep's clothing does not make it a sheep.
since , by rule, my 52c is not a "stock" rifle and must shoot against full blown custom rifles i am looking at adding a br stock, anyone know of a source for a 52c br stock ??
I may add a flat to the forearm in the mean time.
i put a r m syock on my 52 win 3with hat barrel shots i low ones.