Bolt Fluting???


Machinest / Gunsmith
G'day all

I have just finished blueprinting an old rem 700 action for a .223 hunting rifle i'm building.. On all of my customised 700's i've always jewled the bolt and it has made it super slick to cycle the bolt. I'm planing to cerakote the entire barreled action and i don't think that jewling would look right..
I am considering having a go at sprial fluting the rem bolt to keep the weight down as much as possable and for the looks.
I'm just a bit worried about how this will effect the bolt cycling?
Anyone out there had their bolt fluted and how did it effect the feel of the action?

One fellow that I heard about bought a 700 clone with sharp, straight fluting. The manufacturer had not had much experience with the magazine version of that action. The fluting would abrade the cartridges in the magazine as the bolt was cycled.
Straight flutes on the bolt can wreck havoc with a magazine fed Remington. Spiral flutes work fine and will remove a bit of weight and create a bit less bearing surface so it might cycle a bit smoother. But in my experience, the fluting is simply for looks. I've not noticed and action improvement.......

Maybe I am wrong but outside of the magazine issue I was under the impression that the only real points of the bolt that made contact were the lugs and they slide along the raceways in the action. So fluting or jewling is only a matter of cosmetics or weight reduction. But I could be wrong.
I have a HART action with the straight flutes and also a Kelbly Panda action with them also. NO Problems.
Both are Benchrest rifles and shoot excellent. I must say spiral fluting looks a tad nicer''