Boerne Tuesday Night Wrangles Results


New member
Well we had a nice turnout, 10 Wranglers made the show, plus some absolutely great shooting conditions, OK I’m stretching the truth about the conditions, more like windy, swirly and then some.
First up was the ABRA segment with 9 brave hearts, 6 shooting Outlaw Heavy Barrel and 3 shooting Semi_Auto Unlimited.
Heavy Barrel Class:
I was shooting my Old Myers Smithed 40X, Black Betty, and came close to a perfect target, 199, for target 2. No plugs with my only 9 just barely off the 10 dot.
Leon and I tied for target 1 with Leon getting the target win on a tie breaker.1st year shooter, Josie Hensler, came in 2nd and is getting the knack of this game down.

Unlimited Semi_Auto
Lisa Chacon didn’t let the conditions hold her back and dug in her heels.She won both targets and ran away with the win for the class.
Results for ABRA
Unlimited Semi-Auto
1st - Lisa Chacon
2nd – Allen Taylor
3rd – Wayne Argence
Outlaw Heavy Barrel – Top 3
1st – Les Williams
2nd Josie Hensler
3rd – Leon Kuznik
Next up was the ARA segment of the night with 10 shooters hitting the benches.
For this I pulled out the ole trusty Grey Ghost, that ole rifle is now going on it’s 9th season and still giving it all, of course with the right ammo.
Was hoping for the conditions to settle down, but it wasn’t going to be, so had to get down on the bench and watch the condition and not hesitate when the shot came. Other words pull the trigger now.
I had a draw on it and won all the targets and even managed to get a 2400 and one HOF point.
The husband and wife team of Jerry and Josie came in 2nd and 3rd.
The top 3 were
1st - Les Williams
2nd - Jerry Hensler
3rd - Josie Hensler
I’ll get the season points updated and sent ASAP.
Until next time stay straight in those saddles.
Les Williams
