Boerne Fun Shoot Les Williams Shoots a 200 ABRA Card


New member
We decided to try something a little different to bring in 2017.

We held a fun shoot at the Boerne Gun Range today.
1 ABRA Card
1 ARA Card
1 IR 50/50 Card.

It was a in the 70's today and light winds. Was a great day for shooting!

It was one of those matches where you just bring what you got bolt or semi auto did not matter.

Les Williams Won the match shooting
A perfect 200 card on the ABRA Card (only the 3rd 200 shot in a match)

Jerry Hensler took high card second card IR 50/50 shooting a 250 and 15X's, Mel Disharoon was hot on his heels shooting a 250 and 13 X's.

Les Williams took high card on ARA card shooting a 2300.

1st Place Les Williams
2nd Joe Chacon
3rd Terry Paradee

Thanks to all who showed up, and Congratulations to Les Williams WAY TO START OFF THE NEW YEAR!


Had a great time and taking advantage of the nice weather. As you can see in the picture it was short sleeve warm. Only the third time out now for my 10/22 with it's new Douglas barrel and it's definitely a shooter. Thank You Joe your doing fantastic work. Got to spent some time over the holiday's visiting Joe in his shop and watching him prep a barrel. And all this time I thought all it took was a hacksaw, file and Black and Decker drill to be a gunsmith :p
On a side note got to see all the upgrades done to the range this past week, roof extended on the back, slab extended so we can go to 20 benches. More upgrades coming in the next few months it'll be like a whole new place when we kick off the season this year. Got a lot of events scheduled so everyone who can make it needs to pay us a visit. Just goggle Boerne Shooting Club, we're located north of Boerne Tx.
See'ya at the range!
