Blue Bonnet

Doug Penttinen

I just wanted to wish good luck to all my shooting friends that will be attending the Blue Bonnet this year. I hope it is a great shoot and have a good turn out. Since I have missed my two most favorite shoots of the year for the last 2 years in a row due to my work schedule. I gotta do something about that.
Best wishes to all and keep um small.:mad:

Let me chime in here, too.

I will also not be able to attend due to work issues.

Good luck to all who attend the Bluebonnet.

Pete L.

Arnold has your scales that I borrowed last year, and since you missed the shoot Arnold offered to see that you get it back. However, he said you weren't going to get it until he gets his 5000 bullets that he ordered from me at the Nationals in Midland in 2002. Arnold and I have some common characteristics but one of them is not memory loss. Thanks for the use of the scale. - P.S. For Art: It's over 1000000 in the last three years. Ronnie
I thought Bob was going to be there. Anybody know what he is up to??
Ronnie ...

Over 1,000,000 bullets in the last three years is still a gargantuan effort. I'm going to keep ordering your bullets as long as that arm holds out so don't overtax it! Maybe Arnold can come up with an idea on how to mechanize those pulls to save your arm and salvage his order of yesteryear. Why not challenge him? Someone needs to keep him occupied. Art
Arnold has your scales that I borrowed last year, and since you missed the shoot Arnold offered to see that you get it back. However, he said you weren't going to get it until he gets his 5000 bullets that he ordered from me at the Nationals in Midland in 2002. Arnold and I have some common characteristics but one of them is not memory loss. Thanks for the use of the scale. - P.S. For Art: It's over 1000000 in the last three years. Ronnie


I will get with Arnold at the next club match. I sure missed being able to visit with all to good people. I hope you got some use out of the scale.

Take care,
