Bill Brawand


cook and bottle washer
Bill is in the hospital, and recovering from whatever ailed him. I'm sending a sort of "get well soon" card and thought y'all might as well. Contact me for the address any time.
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Bill Brawand is one of the most loved persons in Benchrest. My prayer is for him to recover quickly and be able to shoot the matches that he loves so well. Get well soon Bill. James Mock
Bill recovering well ...

Bill is in the hospital, and recovering from whatever ailed him. I'm sending a sort of "get well soon" card and thought y'all might as well. Contact me for the address any time.

Dear All, this is Sam, Bill's daughter.
I've had many calls from Dad's shooting friends so, first, thanks for being so caring. Second, he is doing wonderfully and will be home in a week, but plans on hunting on Monday! He is much stronger and I will keep you posted. If you need to call, you can call me at 814-335-3847. He is much better and the RV is all winterized for next season. 2529 Rasselas Road, Wilcox, PA 15870.
Good to hear he's on the mend. Bill is a one of a kind guy. He gave me good info and advice when I was getting started making bullets in 2000. He was encouraging and gave me confidence, telling me that they'd be excellent.

Get well Bill...

Hurry up and get out of bed. You promised to have a new load
worked up before New Year's Day.

Charlie Curry & Gilbert Riggins
Bill recovering ...

Dear Friends,
Dad is recovering very well and having a few weeks of physical therapy for his walking. He is pretty chipper and enjoying being waited on by lovely nurses! Can you imagine ... yes of course you can ... he has his cell phone if you want to call from time-to-time (814) 335-0450 ... best afternoons or early evening. If he doesn't hear it leave a message. He is much better now. I've read him all your messages and it made him smile. Love, Sam
Dear Friends,
Dad is recovering very well and having a few weeks of physical therapy for his walking. He is pretty chipper and enjoying being waited on by lovely nurses! Can you imagine ... yes of course you can ... he has his cell phone if you want to call from time-to-time (814) 335-0450 ... best afternoons or early evening. If he doesn't hear it leave a message. He is much better now. I've read him all your messages and it made him smile. Love, Sam

Thank the Lord. The goodest of the good guys is getting well again.

Great to hear that Bill is recovering well. Look forward to seeing you and Bill next year at one of the shoots. You, Bill and your family have a happy and safe Christmas and New Years.
Bob Hamister
You better tell the nurses's they better be careful of they might end up in the "Love Nest". Get well Bill. We are looking forward to seeing you in the spring.

Joe-Stacy Hynes
Bill is better! ...

Dear All,
Thanks for your calls, cards and kind words. Bill Brawand is recovering very well and having physical therapy but looks to be shooting soon. He is in much better spirits and feels a lot better. He sends his thanks to all. Sam for Bill Brawand