If you like to shoot Sporter you can't miss the weekend of 22,23 and 24 at Kettlefoot. Here's the menu!
Fri. Jun22 4:00PM VA State Sporter 10 shot
Fri. Jun22 6:00PM 3 Gun Money Match
Sat. 9:00AM VA State Sporter Yards followed by VA State 3-Gun Yards followed by Mid-Atlantic Sporter 10 Shot
Sun. 9:00AM VA State Sporter Meters followed by VA State 3-Gun Meters.
21 Target Total with 15 Sporter Targets. We will have lunch Sat. and Sun. Come on out and shoot. You can shoot it all or pick and choose from the menu. Let me know if you plan on coming so we can plan the lunch amount.
Wayne Wills
Fri. Jun22 4:00PM VA State Sporter 10 shot
Fri. Jun22 6:00PM 3 Gun Money Match
Sat. 9:00AM VA State Sporter Yards followed by VA State 3-Gun Yards followed by Mid-Atlantic Sporter 10 Shot
Sun. 9:00AM VA State Sporter Meters followed by VA State 3-Gun Meters.
21 Target Total with 15 Sporter Targets. We will have lunch Sat. and Sun. Come on out and shoot. You can shoot it all or pick and choose from the menu. Let me know if you plan on coming so we can plan the lunch amount.
Wayne Wills