Ben Avery Group National rule

This is a Ben Avery rule . The range has just repaired all the bench tops. It will be in force so you better have some pucks. Please pass the rule for the guys traveling.

Any rifle rest with spikes or pointed feet are not permitted for use directly on the shooting benches. Rifle rests with spikes or pointed feet must use “pucks” and or other devices that stops the spikes or pointed feet from coming into contact with the benchtop surface. Any rifle rest feet that damage the benchtop surface are not permitted.”

“Modifications, drilling, or pounding spikes into the benchtop surface is strictly prohibited.”

This is not a NBRSA rule it is a range rule.
I believe St Louis has a similar rule. They required all rests used at the latest ARA rimfire nationals to use super feet or similar devices on their benches. There were plenty available at the range and I didn't hear anyone complaining.
Lou, I believe that is the coming trend for all ranges. Some might not like it, but often we have to go along to get along.
Makes sense to me. Never did like seeing the damage done to bench tops from pounding the rest points into the bench top with a hammer.