Been doing a little trading. Leupold question


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There is an older fellas down the road that is no longer shooting so i have been doing a little trading with him. I ended up with a Leupold 36X older scope but in excellent shape. I dont see these for sale anywhere on the web. Did Leupold stop making these? was there any problems with it? Looks like a nice scope to me. I was saving for a new sightron so i dont know if i will sell this scope or just keep it. whats a fair market resale on these Leupold 36X scopes? thanks Lee
Which one of

There is an older fellas down the road that is no longer shooting so i have been doing a little trading with him. I ended up with a Leupold 36X older scope but in excellent shape. I dont see these for sale anywhere on the web. Did Leupold stop making these? was there any problems with it? Looks like a nice scope to me. I was saving for a new sightron so i dont know if i will sell this scope or just keep it. whats a fair market resale on these Leupold 36X scopes? thanks Lee

the older 36X is it? There was a 36x w/ AO but no locking ring, same w/ a locking ring, and then the BR-D.
Lee, You have

the one i have is a 36x-D. I dont see one like it in the classifieds. Thanks Lee

what many consider one of the best. And the warranty is LIFETIME!!!!! Even March scopes break. Use it w/ a clear conscience and be happy. Ya did good boy!

What exactly distinguishes the Leupold BR-D from the other Leupold 36X BR scopes? Does the BR-D have the AO locking ring? My web searches for model descriptions for these older Leupold scopes doesn't turn up much.

Some of the older scopes without locking ring will not focus down to 25 yards,
this can be a problem if shooting 25 yard rimfire.....these scopes work good for 100...200 yard. I think they will focus down to 50 yards.

The originol 36x did not have a locking objective.

The 36BR is essentially the same scope, but Leupold made an entirely new front lens assy to encorporate a locking feature. I believe the erector tube and other internals are the same. The actula glass objective lens its self might be the same as well.

On the BR-D, Leupold did away with the small "arch spring" that held the erector tube against the adjusting knob abutments, and went with a more massive forked style spring. They also had to reduce the diameter of the erector tube to get it all in there. There are a few other things that they did to accomadate this, but all in all, it's the same scope.

All of these are excellent scopes, many still believe this was Leupolds best design and wish they had not quit making them. The addition of a Tucker Conversion will shore up the only suspect part of these scopes by stabilizing the erector tube in thge radial plain where it pivots at the eye piece end. But I am not sure about this voiding Leupolds lifetime warranty. Through the years, their policy has changed......jackie

Thanks for the great descriptions of the different versions. I've read a lot in other threads about your work with freezing scopes. Definitely interesting reading. Now to keep my eyes peeled for a good 36BRD model.
