Bayou Airgun Club March 2019 Benchrest Match Results


New member
Bobby McKee came out blazing, only 3 points short of a perfect score on his first target, and had the best results for all three targets to win the match in Heavy Varmint. Greg Cobb, Mike Dugas and Charlie Frederick all won their divisions as well. Even though the ground was wet and soggy, the wind was relaxed enough to allow some good shooting by all, the most conglomerate over-700 points totals yet. Congratulations to all.

I had one weird shot on the third target that hit dead center, but unfortunately it was dead center between the lines of targets #15 and #20. Zero points. I still don't know what happened, but can only attribute it to a deformed skirt since by then I was just pulling raw pellets out of a tin without inspection. I deserved it. Bobby says he thinks his Wolverine is more accurate than his other guns, including his FX Royale, so we will probably be seeing much more of it. Talk of attending the USARB Benchrest Nationals in New Mexico in October is floating around, and Bobby is one of 31 people that have already entered. It would be great if BAC had more people going who could represent our club and commitment to the sport. The accommodations there are wonderful, and it should be the best match they've ever had.

*Our next match will be Saturday, April 6th, 2019. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend now.

Many thanks to The Ground Crew (you know who you are) who helped set up earlier in the day for our match, and all who helped take down and store equipment.

See You Next Match,
Richard Harris

BAC & USARB Benchrest Match Results 3-2-19
* Please see attached PDF below.


  • BAC Benchrest Match Results 3.2.19.pdf
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