Barrel Taper


e publius unum
Was reading Lilja's article on barrel stiffness and some of it left me flatfooted. Not the stiffness part since I have an engineering degree and have worked for years with equations dealing with moment of inertia and deflection. The part that I can't figure out is why barrel profile is so tied down in the rules in the first place. Why not just state that LV shall be 10.5 pounds max and let the competitors find the optimal profile?
The profile is plenty open. The rules give a maximum OD profile only. As long as your profile is within these dimensions, it can be any shape. I have a couple reverse taper barrels. They are legal.
Was reading Lilja's article on barrel stiffness and some of it left me flatfooted. Not the stiffness part since I have an engineering degree and have worked for years with equations dealing with moment of inertia and deflection. The part that I can't figure out is why barrel profile is so tied down in the rules in the first place. Why not just state that LV shall be 10.5 pounds max and let the competitors find the optimal profile?

And read it thru again. the #3 stiffest pr4ofile is the HBR profile. And it falls inside the LV profile. That would be why ALL my LV barrels are HBR profile to start. Cylinder, HV, HBR, LV. What would you choose?