Automatic case annealer Needed!!

Ackley Improved

New member

What brands of automated case annealers are there, as I am chasing one.

I have found the Ken Light and Brass-O-Matic.

Are there any others out there that are good units?

Ackley Improved

The Ken Light annealer is a very good unit but will take you some time to get.6 Month waits are not uncommon.If you order one from Australia make sure you tell him which cartridges you will be using.Its not a one size fits all machine and you may need additional trays.
Auto Annealer

You might want to check with gunsmith Leonard Baity in North Wilkesboro, N.C. He makes a very nice setup. He might have one on the shelf.

Jim Hardy
I have contacted Ken, and he is not to keen on exporting to Australia. That is no problem, as it is a little work to do so.

Tell me about the Leonard Baity machine? More importantly, can anyone supply his email, or let him know that I am interested.

I like the annealers that the top plate rotates, and the cases also spin whilst rotating. Great design.
