Austin Rifle Club - Match Results Sept 27, 2020

ARC - 100 yd Benchrest Match for Score
11 Shooters - 8 VFS , 3 Hunter Rifle

Windy, windy day in the 12-15 mph range all match. Mostly tailwind but switching left AND right. The Hunter rifles dropped some points but Tommy Maedgen wins 1st place with 246-11X. Only 1 X behind was Curt Gallaher with 246-10X for 2nd.
In VFS, shooters with a 250 finished in the money. Don Mulhall, back fully rested from his extended vacation, gets 1st place at 250-15X. Close behind was Steve Krause shooting a 250-14X. 3rd place goes to the 6PPC rifle of Kelly Novak with a solid 250-11X. Good shooting everyone!

Next month, we'll be starting at noon on Oct 25. All our next winter matches will start at noon. We shoot last Sunday of every month. All rifles welcome.
Our matches run right at 2 hours. Registration is $15 and we have a best target kitty that gets you braggin rights and enough cash for a BBQ sammich.

Thanks to all for a good shoot
Steve Krause, Match Director 512-244-3904


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ARC - 100 yd Benchrest Match for Score
11 Shooters - 8 VFS , 3 Hunter Rifle

Windy, windy day in the 12-15 mph range all match. Mostly tailwind but switching left AND right. The Hunter rifles dropped some points but Tommy Maedgen wins 1st place with 246-11X. Only 1 X behind was Curt Gallaher with 246-10X for 2nd.
In VFS, shooters with a 250 finished in the money. Don Mulhall, back fully rested from his extended vacation, gets 1st place at 250-15X. Close behind was Steve Krause shooting a 250-14X. 3rd place goes to the 6PPC rifle of Kelly Novak with a solid 250-11X. Good shooting everyone!

Next month, we'll be starting at noon on Oct 25. All our next winter matches will start at noon. We shoot last Sunday of every month. All rifles welcome.
Our matches run right at 2 hours. Registration is $15 and we have a best target kitty that gets you braggin rights and enough cash for a BBQ sammich.

Thanks to all for a good shoot
Steve Krause, Match Director 512-244-3904

Sorry I missed the match. Had a family commitment. See you next month.
