And here are the results
13 hearty souls showed up to shoot in the very chilly winds of Capitol City, Maine on Sunday. The scores will more or less demonstrate what I have just said.
1. Randy Lyons 245-11
2. Ted Derivan 245-7
3. Joan Hassam 243-4
10.5 LB
1. Joan Hassam 248-17
2. Klayton Hayes 248-8
3. Keith Royal 246-14
13.5 LB
1.Keith Royal 249-15
2. John Hassam 249-10
3. Ted Derivan 248-15
3 Gun Agg.
1. Ted Derivan 738-36
2. Keith Royal 737-34
3. Joan Hassam 736-30
4. Klayton Hayes 734-27
5. Gary Hamilton 733-34
UL 1
1. Gary Hamilton 249-17
2. Paul Bendix 249-11
3. Ted Derivan 248-16
UL 2
1. Gary Hamilton 249-18
2. Steve Page 248-15
3. Paul Bendix 248-14
UL 3
1. John Hasam 249-14
2. Pete Wass 249-13
3. Steve Page 248-12
UL Agg.
1. Gary Hamilton 746-46
2. Paul Bendix 745-37
3. John Hassam 744-42
4. Steve Page 744-42
5. Pete Wass 742-40
Yes, it was a tough one !
This was our final match for the year 2014. We wish to thank one and all for all the help rendered to us in running these matches. We couldn't do them without all the help and support from everyone, Thank You all once more. We look forward to seeing every one back next year. We bid you a pleasant Autumn and BURRRRRR, Winter seasons.
Pete Wass