ASC Oct results including Shooter Of the Year

We only had 12 people today. It started out a little windy and got down right crazy a few times. Fortunately the crazy times didnt last long, but it did bite a few people before it left. The day still ended with a few good scores. Wes Johnson held them all off with a nice 250-22X followed by Jim Nicolas with a 250-20X.

We ended the year with a tie for SOY. Both Ron Atkins and Wes Johnson had the best 6 scores for the year. They both had 1500 and 124 X's. However Ron shot 19 X's in match 1, and Wes only shot 18X's in match 1. So Shooter Of the Year goes to Ron Atkins.

Congratulations to Ron Atkins for a fine year of shooting at Arlington Sportsman Club.

Come out to see us next year. We start back up in March of 2022.



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