Are you a angry conservative hippie?


Mr. D

In my view, some conservatives that believe all politicians are corrupt, all people with new ideas are idiots, and all government is a mess are much like the 60's Hippies that believed in dropping out and concentrating on only their own private desires in communes! The hippies just wore flowers, did drugs and didn't get angry about it like today's cynical types! They just decided only they understood the world like some cynical, angry people today!

Since the 1780's our government has always been a mess and criticized, but in the last 50 years it actually has been less corrupt and working better than ever before! Anyone that thinks there were "The Good Ole Days" is just ignorant of real history and getting their ideas from romantic 50's Hollywood movies with happy little families and John Wayne who always did the right thing. The problems we have today pale as compared to some of the horrible things are country has lived through. Read a history book not sanitized for public schools and you'll see what I mean. Two bombs have been dropped on the U.S. One by the Japanese attached to a weather balloon that hurt no one, and another dropped by a couple of racists in a private airplane to burn out the entire Black section of an American city. What organization bought the most Thompson Sub Machine guns in the 30's? Ford Motor Company to shoot union members trying to break into plants during strikes. On the docks shipping companies shot and beat striking workers to death and union members razor blade cut the tendons of the ankles of scabs that took their jobs! My father was almost hung in a tree when he tried to stop the lynching of four black men while traveling through the South in the during the depression! One of them had offended a white woman and she didn't know which one so they hung them all! My father was told if he loved the "N" word, he could join them hanging from the tree. I remember in the East when Black women had to step off the side walk when any White passed by. A Black woman I taught with was taken in by a White Family because she was too poor to have shoes or even attend school in the deep South. They gave her nice clothes and helped go to a teachers college eventually, but she was never allowed with the White family at the table. It just wasn't done. She was fed in the kitchen by herself for the 15 years as they helped her as good Christians would. Few families saw all their children live to adulthood. My parents told me about old people that had no relatives that froze to death in the winter and were found solid as an ice cube. Before TV, kids just disappeared and a city 50 miles away never heard about it! Wife beating and drunk driving was just ignored by the police until somebody was killed. My father had a guy put a gun to his head and pull the trigger. Nothing happened, so he knocked the guy cold thinking it wasn't a very funny joke. He opened the revolver and it was loaded. Old ammunition and a bad primer! He threw up on the curb when he realized how close he had come to death! I had two adult men try to kill me before I was ten. One with a revolver at a carnival that hit me in the thumb and one chased me with a butcher knife that was from an insane asylum.

Don't ever think things were better in the old days! That's a myth! A dozen eggs might have been only a dime, but many didn't have the dime!
"d"............................................... ...................

There might be a conservative that use to be a hippie, but never a conservative hippie!!:D:D:D
If a Hippie or a Conservative gets cynical and gives up on the system isn't the result the same?

I think what happened to 99% of the hippies is they decided dropping out was childish and they reentered society and got back into the fight to change it. I was an early 60's conservative who became a clean shaven, no flowers, National Guard Liberal during Vietnam! I still believe the same things today I did in the late sixties, but I've come to accept you have to do them through society and things will change very slowly.

Also, I have come to accept that what scares conservatives they call too liberal today, will be what is accepted as the conservative position way down the road in time. Our kids see race far less than we did, and are accepting that some people are just born gay. Any honest elementary teacher can tell you that! You can see it in preschool if you don't wear religious blinders. My wife and I knew it about one of her nephews in pre school. He's now doing well in a career the "Don't ask, don't tell" U.S. army.

I found that out raising chickens and pigeons as a boy that they were born with all the traits people have from homosexuality to murderous behavior without any sign of choosing it. You name a non accepted behavior and it is found naturally in animals who don't watch TV to learn it. I had a pigeon that hatched and raised a chicken as her own. She tried to mouth feed what should be a helpless squab as it ran around the yard. My collie raised a brood of cats when the mother died at birth. She carried them around just like they were her puppies. Two males and two females would pair off and make nests! Their eggs wouldn't hatch, but they were live long mates! I had one pigeon that would not make a nest and lay an egg unless I handed her each piece of tobacco stem broken to the right size! I guess I was her mate, but I swear I never touched her sexually! I was still a conservative at that time! :D

When I taught young teachers, I told them, "I can tell you what you're doing wrong, but rarely how to teach right! That's too individual and you'll have to find your own style." That's still an individual mystery! My master teacher was a very conservative high school history Dept. Chair. He shook his head at me and gave me the highest grade he'd ever given even though I was completely different in teaching style. He was an open minded conservative with great wisdom! I learned allot from him and he adapted some of my weird ideas to his teaching! I let kids use their notes on my tough History and Biology tests, but they were limited to a "C" maximum when they did. It removed the fear of failure and many who had been flunking would leave the notes under their desk for moral support and not even use them. Some would use the notes for a few tests and then go without when the got more confidence. Success is the best motivator.
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Your family had some bad experiences in the past. I don't know quite how to take the hippy bit but I am sure they didn't fix our system. They just lived off of it.

Sure times were hard on people in the past. It was the family unit that held together and brought us through those times. I can remember my grandmother saying that although we didn't have much, we were not poor. Another thing she said was that charity begins at home.

My uncle used to tell me that whatever I do in life, be the best at it. If I had to dig ditches I should be the best ditch digger and take pride in my work. A lot of my friends were hearing the same in their homes.

I grew up in the South if you can call Texas the South. My people taught me that the lowest class of whites hated the blacks and Mexicans the most because everyone needs to have someone lower on the social ladder than themselves.

My family being from the losing side of the Civil War voted solid democrat until Eisenhower. They felt the party left them after that. Things just change.

A lot of things have changed conditions in our country. Strong families come to mind, but the hippies added little and besides most of the original ones have died off or grown up.

Concho Bill
Most hippies graduated from college and became yuppies! The % of real hippies was very low, but being different they got allot of TV coverage. What else is new!
If,in your definition of corrupt,you wish to include politicians who blatantly vote against the people's wishes they represent,like our most Honorable Rep. Herseth:rolleyes:chose to do,then yes,you could consider most politicians corrupt.I realize the answer lies in voting them out of office,but it is corruption none the less.It takes place all the time,in every State and in each party.
Hey guys, why all the doom, gloom, and cynicism?:rolleyes:

I am the 6th son of immigrants, a child of the Great Depression, walked both ways to a two-room schoolhouse, my dad worked 2 or 3 jobs to keep us fed, I thought going barefoot in the summer was fun (later learned it was to save the shoes for winter), wore clothes handed down 4 times. I felt sorry for some of my friends because I thought they were poor and I was almost 20 years old before I realized that WE WERE POOR.

But I was mostly happy thanks to the positive attitude of my parents. I grew up not knowing how to be cynical. I've passed what little I know on to my own 7 children and they've honored me and my bride with a LOT of grandkids (I've lost count) and 7 great grandchildren.

You should read gt40's thread below about Geroge Carlin. Especially "HOW TO STAY YOUNG"


In my view, some conservatives that believe all politicians are corrupt, all people with new ideas are idiots, and all government is a mess are much like the 60's Hippies that believed in dropping out and concentrating on only their own private desires in communes! The hippies just wore flowers, did drugs and didn't get angry about it like today's cynical types! They just decided only they understood the world like some cynical, angry people today!

Since the 1780's our government has always been a mess and criticized, but in the last 50 years it actually has been less corrupt and working better than ever before! Anyone that thinks there were "The Good Ole Days" is just ignorant of real history and getting their ideas from romantic 50's Hollywood movies with happy little families and John Wayne who always did the right thing. The problems we have today pale as compared to some of the horrible things are country has lived through. Read a history book not sanitized for public schools and you'll see what I mean. Two bombs have been dropped on the U.S. One by the Japanese attached to a weather balloon that hurt no one, and another dropped by a couple of racists in a private airplane to burn out the entire Black section of an American city. What organization bought the most Thompson Sub Machine guns in the 30's? Ford Motor Company to shoot union members trying to break into plants during strikes. On the docks shipping companies shot and beat striking workers to death and union members razor blade cut the tendons of the ankles of scabs that took their jobs! My father was almost hung in a tree when he tried to stop the lynching of four black men while traveling through the South in the during the depression! One of them had offended a white woman and she didn't know which one so they hung them all! My father was told if he loved the "N" word, he could join them hanging from the tree. I remember in the East when Black women had to step off the side walk when any White passed by. A Black woman I taught with was taken in by a White Family because she was too poor to have shoes or even attend school in the deep South. They gave her nice clothes and helped go to a teachers college eventually, but she was never allowed with the White family at the table. It just wasn't done. She was fed in the kitchen by herself for the 15 years as they helped her as good Christians would. Few families saw all their children live to adulthood. My parents told me about old people that had no relatives that froze to death in the winter and were found solid as an ice cube. Before TV, kids just disappeared and a city 50 miles away never heard about it! Wife beating and drunk driving was just ignored by the police until somebody was killed. My father had a guy put a gun to his head and pull the trigger. Nothing happened, so he knocked the guy cold thinking it wasn't a very funny joke. He opened the revolver and it was loaded. Old ammunition and a bad primer! He threw up on the curb when he realized how close he had come to death! I had two adult men try to kill me before I was ten. One with a revolver at a carnival that hit me in the thumb and one chased me with a butcher knife that was from an insane asylum.

Don't ever think things were better in the old days! That's a myth! A dozen eggs might have been only a dime, but many didn't have the dime!

There was never any good old day that i remember,it was a fight to just make a living,tobacco farming was hard work and some years we didn't make a dime.
Making moonshine was the only cash crop going most of the time and that very hard work,hot in the summer,cold in the winter,skeeters eating ya up at night and the moon shining never helped because we were hidden by trees.
I had people shoot at me,got hit in the arm by a 22 bullet,knifes pull on me,i was quick and could run good.
Nope,the good days are here now,i think sometimes we worry too much about politicans and yes,most of them really do it for money and it takes a rich person to be a politican now.
I am very thankfull for the fun i have in shooting sports and being able to afford it is the icing on the cake,wining is a small part of it but makes you feel real good.
But,i was never a hippie,never smoked pot or did drugs,now sipping moonshine and beer is a different story.
Hey guys, why all the doom, gloom, and cynicism?:rolleyes:

I am the 6th son of immigrants, a child of the Great Depression, walked both ways to a two-room schoolhouse, my dad worked 2 or 3 jobs to keep us fed, I thought going barefoot in the summer was fun (later learned it was to save the shoes for winter), wore clothes handed down 4 times. I felt sorry for some of my friends because I thought they were poor and I was almost 20 years old before I realized that WE WERE POOR.

But I was mostly happy thanks to the positive attitude of my parents. I grew up not knowing how to be cynical. I've passed what little I know on to my own 7 children and they've honored me and my bride with a LOT of grandkids (I've lost count) and 7 great grandchildren.

You should read gt40's thread below about Geroge Carlin. Especially "HOW TO STAY YOUNG"



You got my point buddy! Well said! With all the cr@p, in reality these are the good old days. We need to just keep trucking to make the country better!
"now sipping moonshine and beer is a different story.

Your secret is safe with us! :D

"I tried pot once, but I didn't inhale!" I believe Clinton, because I don't smoke and I couldn't inhale it either! Choke, choke, gag! I was a senior citizen and a Conservative Republican friend wound up with two joints. Never having used pot as kids we were curious like a couple of dumb teenie boppers! I found out that if you don't smoke, pot isn't worth the effort! Choke, choke, gag! No, I didn't move on to harder drugs like in Reefer Madness! I don't even drink!

Of the sins, "Wine, Women, and Song" guess which one is my vice! For marriage reasons I meant to say "Woman"! :eek: :eek:
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Except the Clintons

I guess they are "yuppies" today, but they were the result of the Anti-culture of the 60s. Remember Bill and his shaggy beard as a Rhodes soon we forget. HOW, OH HOW did he become president ?

Most hippies graduated from college and became yuppies! The % of real hippies was very low, but being different they got allot of TV coverage. What else is new!
I guess they are "yuppies" today, but they were the result of the Anti-culture of the 60s. Remember Bill and his shaggy beard as a Rhodes soon we forget. HOW, OH HOW did he become president ?

The same people that are supporting Obama,the American Idol show is what launched Obama.
And the same people who supported the Vietnamese War are supporting the Iraq War! "Try war first, rather than learn any lessons!"
And the same people who supported the Vietnamese War are supporting the Iraq War! "Try war first, rather than learn any lessons!"

The Iraq thing is about over,it was a stupid move to start with,Saddam was embargoed so much ,he couldn't do anything,his army was in shambles,we wasted a lot of everything,but i'm glad Saddam is gone.
now is the time to move on to afganstan and end that thing.
then we might have Iran and a nuke war.
so,we are in for a rough few years.
The Iraq thing is about over,it was a stupid move to start with,Saddam was embargoed so much ,he couldn't do anything,his army was in shambles,we wasted a lot of everything,but i'm glad Saddam is gone.
now is the time to move on to afganstan and end that thing.
then we might have Iran and a nuke war.
so,we are in for a rough few years.

No wonder I'm depressed! :eek:

but rhaney is correct. Look on the "bright" side. If a nuclear war erupts, we won't have any more worries!!!!! We'll all be toast.
Well, gee... Glad to feel the love from y'all...

As an angry conservative hippie (and there are more than a few of us...), I'm thinking that some of you guys may want to take a step back. What hacks me off, more than anything else, is that a lot of "common sense" ideas have been politicized, and polarized, to the point where they no longer retain any common sense...

The "liberals" don't seem to give a damn about what's going on in Tibet. The "conservatives" seem to think that it's a "liberal" issue, so they're ignoring it. In the mean time, we've got the red army killing folks or making them "disappear."

And Joe Six Pack is just waiting for the olympics.
The "liberals" don't seem to give a damn about what's going on in Tibet. The "conservatives" seem to think that it's a "liberal" issue, so they're ignoring it. In the mean time, we've got the red army killing folks or making them "disappear."

And Joe Six Pack is just waiting for the olympics.

Sounds like our attitude about Saddam in Iraq until after 9/11 and the NeoCons saw an opening for a military foothold in the Middle East. If Saddam had not occupied Kuwait would we stopped his treatment of his own people?