ARA Champion 2001 Mike Studebaker has


John E. Rupert

Had to have emergency bypass heart surgery (3 bypasses) late Friday night. Mike's wife informed me he is doing well in recovery and she'll know more Sunday. For those that need their memory jogged Mike was our ARA 2001 National Champion, that tall lovable guy that would talk to everybody, also a high crane operator, and Nam Army vet combat duty.
I and my family wish him well and god speed in a fast recovery.
John & Linda Rupert.........
Get well Mike.

John, thanks for letting us know.

Mike, take care of yourself. We will be thinking of you. Sure do miss shooting and talking with you. Get well soon.

True Sportsman

Mike is a true sportsman and fighter. He'll make it if he will just takes it easy and follow the Doctor's advice.
Wishing nothing but the Best

John your right, But Mike's much more than just a Champion, "He's a dam good Man and holds a very high level of integerity". I call him a friend! Jane our prayers are with yours. John I hope all's well with you and Linda, we think of you often. And Brad it's good to know your just around the corner, best wishes to you and yours...Brad
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In our Prayers

Mike you and Jane are in our prayers for a speedy recovery. Looking forward to shooting with you folks this summer

Get Well Soon!!!

Bill & Karen Wheeler
Mike, wern't we just talking about how we wished we would of taken better care of our selves around noon on Friday? Doggone it get better we have a bunch of shootin to do.:eek:

Mike and Jane from Michigan:D
Man Mike I sure hope your doing okay.You sure have had a streak of bad luck the last couple of years with your health wishing you a speedy recovery.Jane if you need anything feel free to call. Jerry
Mike hope everything is going ok,I hope Jane is healed enough to handle what needs to be done. If you need just call.

Chuck &Denise
ARA Champion 2001 Mike Studebaker

Mike Studebaker is a great shooter, and a great man.
Our thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery go to you Mike.:D
Hope to see you at the ARA Nationals this year.

Mike and Jan McConnell
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