Anyone tried 58grVmax with N133 in 6ppc



I'm taking an old HV match barrel and going to use it for varmints. Anyone tried the 58 Vmax with N-133 in their 6ppc. If so can you zero me in on loads.
My match load is 28.8 with the 68's.

Hi Bob,
I use my sako 75 6mmppc usa for foxing and long range rabbit shooting, These are my best loads!!!!

65grain hornaday ballistic tips,, 28.6 vit 133

58grain ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 29.5 vit 133

These are awsome varmint rounds,,,

Let me know how you get on???

Darrel North Wales
I doubt you'll get enough n133 in the case to go as fast as you would like for varmints. I use 53 clicks of n130 with the v max in a Krieger 6 PPC.

Jim Carstensen
I agree with Jim,

Either 130 or H322 is fast enough for the little pills. My favorite is the 55gr Nosler Ballistic Tip. My Sako 6PPC USA pushes these around 3650 and my Benchrest guns run up to 3750-3800 with ease. I've heard 3770fps quoted as a typical "node" for the 55's and have had great luck with this number. Jim Borden used this figure in an interview where the author was asking folks about "The Ultimate Varmint Chambering" .

Inside of 350yds it's like cheating. You can pick where on the ground squirrel you'd like to hit him for maximum launch factor ;)

The Noslers will also hold together in an 8" twist at this velocity and the rotational energy is an added bonus. I've had a number of folks tell me that the chunks rotate clockwise. I've never noticed this phenomenon but the auditory feedback is satisfying.

133 and 58 grn

Heck, we shoot 68 grn bullets at 3400+ out of a 21 1/2 barrel with a big dose of 133. But it will probably be a tad slow for the 58 grn V-Max.
You might have to go to 130 to get the full potential.........jackie
Thanks guys for the info. I'll try some 133 with the 58's to see what happens. Might switch to 68 vmax's just so I don't have to buy even more powder.

58grain vmax, 29.5 vit 133 running at 3495fps,,, How fast do you need to go???

Longest rabbit last year just under 500 yards

One fox at 416yards, As they say dead is dead????
in in
100 yrd zero 10mph wind 100yrds- 1
200 yrds-1.8 200yrds-4.2
300 yrds-8.4 300yrds 10
400 yrds-21.5 400yrds 19
500yrds-43.2 500yrds 32

These are the drop charts that i use!!!!!!!
I like the Vmax's. Did a little testing of the prototype Vmax's in 65gr before they came out. The 65gr Vmax has been my favorite for the ppc every since. I shoot around 3000 of them a year. I have a varmit rig set up on the same BAT action as I use on my bench guns and screw the used barrels on it to finish them off. VV133 works great with this bullet and is very easily tuned. I've shoot many mid one groups with them. Give them a try.

Most of the time i also use the 65vmax, lapua case, vit 133 at 28.6 grains!!!!
and as you say they are the dogs gahoullis,, also better in the wind

the load that i talked about 58 vmax at 29.5 was only used this year because i was given 1000 bullets,, so rather than wast them i gave them a try??And to be honest it is a good load as well,,

The best bullet that i have ever used was berger 68 mef, But sadly i can nolonger get any as i believe the have stopped production of them?????

The other good load for my benchrest comps were Randy robnetts 60g with 29.5 g of vit 133 ,, But sadly i cannot get these in the united kingdom anymore,, as no one will bring them in or stock them???

The other good load that i have seen being used was 75g vmax with varget??
I am waiting for the chap to send me his load data for these???

I use varget in my accuracy international 308?? This rifle thinks that it is a benchrest rifle i am sure???? most groups .5 and under!!! Now if my sako 6mm ppc likes the varget, I would only have to buy one powder for both?? now that would be nice????

One lb tub of varget is £38.60
one kg tub of vit is £63.50

At the present times all prices are going through the bloody roof here???

All the best Darrel north Wales
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58 v-max in 6ppc

"Precision Shooting" published a letter years ago, by someone saying how he favored the "little" 58 gr. v-max in his 6ppc. I gave them a try, using 28.5 grs. VV133 ( Shilen heavy contour 1-14), comparing them, side-by-side to 68 Berger HP. Could not see enough difference to warrent the $$$ Bergers. If I were competing in BR matches, probably would be using "Barts'", "Bergers", etc. 65 v-max is outstanding in my .265" NK 1-14 Shilen & Hart 6BRs' with 30 grs. VV133. I've been impressed with the whole line of Hornady V-Max bullets.