Anti Gun Law just filed


New member
Federal HR 127 Licensing firearms, ammo and creating a public access registry has been proposed in the House.

HR 127, proposed on Jan 4 , 2021, has had the text of the bill added online.
It includes: Gun registration (who, what, where stored, etc); Insurance requirements; Psychological Testing of gun owners (and their families!); Gun Training Requirements; Public access to federal gun registry info; Elimination of prior laws preventing the creation of gun registration.
And a lot more... this is just the beginning of the gun grabbing we knew was coming. Need to keep our eyes on this one. Get involved!
Bill text available here:
No stopping the left now only hope will be the highest court in the land, NRA or a couple level headed Democrats it there are any actually left. One of these days they are going to push we the people to far they are supposed to work for us and not us to be ruled over by them.
Federal HR 127 Licensing firearms, ammo and creating a public access registry has been proposed in the House.

HR 127, proposed on Jan 4 , 2021, has had the text of the bill added online.
It includes: Gun registration (who, what, where stored, etc); Insurance requirements; Psychological Testing of gun owners (and their families!); Gun Training Requirements; Public access to federal gun registry info; Elimination of prior laws preventing the creation of gun registration.
And a lot more... this is just the beginning of the gun grabbing we knew was coming. Need to keep our eyes on this one. Get involved!
Bill text available here:

FWIW this is the latest version of the same bill this nitwit from TX has submitted for 3-4 years now. It has and is now put in committee where it usually dies a quiet death.
Obviously a new situation but, we’ll see.
Tim, hope you are right and no more floats up. Tell the cops you know what it says and see what they say. Ones I know say its a crock.
She is the space case/cadet that quoted saying if islands around the world increase in population that the islands.....will Capsize !
It's as heavy as ten moving boxes and shoots 50 cal.

The woman filing this bill is Sheila Jackson Lee from Houston, TX. I believe she has filed multiple similar bills in the past which never made it out of committee. She sounds like an ultra liberal Democrat who has made some very strange, actually idiotic statements about firearms including the one in the title of this post. Judging from her past actions she also likes to use the race card. That's fine if its warranted but in her case it didn't seem to be. It is a shame that we in the gun culture have to fight people like this constantly.
Given the current Deep State/Liberal/Demoncratic outright treasonous acts,total disregard of the Constitution,mendacious lies,censoring,paranoia of the military,law enforcement or anyone who is not a spineless sheep following their agenda.....anything is possible until someone on the right grows some BALLS & stands up to file suite &/or tells them to sit down & STFU.
The truth that no one wants to hear and then its to late when they just do what they damn well please they run and control it all now.
She is the space case/cadet that quoted saying if islands around the world increase in population that the islands.....will Capsize !

No, that honor belongs to the brilliant Hank Johnston of Atlanta.

You have to really hand it to the Navy Admiral he was talking to when Hank suggested the possibility that the island could flip over under the weight of Navy and Marine personnel. If it was me that Hank was talking to, I would fallen out of my chair laughing. Hank can't have an IQ of greater than around 60.

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Bottom line is our hope is in the NRA or we the people so take your best choice who can actually have a chance to save our 2nd amendment rights. I know some think the NRA is a bit corrupt on how the money is being spent. But also stop and think who is actually pushing that narrative. It is the news media but they also have not published the evidence of the internal corruption that they have claimed has been taking place. If they could prove those false claims they would have been in court several years ago so ask yourself why not?
Something else to think about Representative Hank Johnson is being paid from we the people for being such an ignorant elected idiot based on what he is saying in the video. So why are our Federal Tax dollars being wasted on such an uneducated fool and it makes one wonder how he actually graduated with supposedly having higher education than most?
Lee has quoted Johnson's ignorance also.

Monkey see....Monkey do!

This socialist run country is F'd,until 3/4 of Capitol Hill & state Governors are incarcerated for Treason.
Given the current Deep State/Liberal/Demoncratic outright treasonous acts,total disregard of the Constitution,mendacious lies,censoring,paranoia of the military,law enforcement or anyone who is not a spineless sheep following their agenda.....anything is possible until someone on the right grows some BALLS & stands up to file suite &/or tells them to sit down & STFU.

We had a President for four years who had some “Balls”, but millions of suburban white women decide that he was unfit because .”He Tweets”.

And that is exactly who is to blame. President Trump had a record number of minority votes over any Republican in history. White men went 70 percent for him. Only around 30 percent of white women decided for President Trump.

But no matter....,,.”He Tweets”.

Every time a we face a political crisis and people on Sites such as this write,......”I come here to talk about guns and shooting, not politics”, you realize that you are part of the problem.
We had a President for four years who had some “Balls”, but millions of suburban white women decide that he was unfit because .”He Tweets”.

And that is exactly who is to blame. President Trump had a record number of minority votes over any Republican in history. White men went 70 percent for him. Only around 30 percent of white women decided for President Trump.

But no matter....,,.”He Tweets”.t a rime......

Every time a we face a political crisis and people on Sites such as this write,......”I come here to talk about guns and shooting, not politics”, you realize that you are part of the problem.

One bite a time......

plus the ones that don't support the NRA. How many stories about the NRA are started by the left? The organization needs to be more transparent and maybe the cheapskates would start paying.
We are the problem we the people elected those people who have the power over us and us not over them and no fault but of our own.
Trump did Tweet allot but it was also his only way to reach we the people with the truth. The news media and social media were out to destroy him from the start and they were not being truthful.