Anschutz 54 super match Heavy bull barrel action



Any one have an idea of what a near perfect action above would be worth. I have the stock a Lyman 20 power scope and Freeland tube sites.
Thanks Bob Z
Champion Shooters Supply lists a new Anschutz 1913-U2 barreled action for $1690.00. This is the 1913 Super Match 54 Action with the bull barrel. I don't know if this helps.
Part with action

Any one have an idea of what a near perfect action above would be worth. I have the stock a Lyman 20 power scope and Freeland tube sites.
Thanks Bob Z

I have the complete rifle plus items listed the stock would need to be refinished and probably a bedding job as one I had done is not so good.

Champion Shooters Supply lists a new Anschutz 1913-U2 barreled action for $1690.00. This is the 1913 Super Match 54 Action with the bull barrel. I don't know if this helps.

A new Anschutz 1913-U2 barreled action [includes trigger assembly] is one of the best kept secrets for someone starting out in RFBR shooting. Simply have this Anschutz barreled action professionally pillar bedded in a good benchrest stock, add a Hoehn/Harrel tuner and a high quality BR scope. With the fore mentioned rig and excellent ammo, one should be able to compete at the highest levels of rimfire benchrest competition, with a few exceptions like the PSL, ARA & IR 50/50 Nationals.

There is one competitor at our local club who simply kicks butt with a Anschutz 1913 in a Stith stock, which he purchased used online a few of years ago. This fellow has had a beautiful new custom RFBR rifle built, which never shot as well "consistently" as the Anschutz 1913. He recently set a new club three target USBR [non-sanctioned] aggregate record ... 248 13x, 249 5x, 245 5x = 742 23x using Lapua Center-X ammo no less. His factory barreled Anschutz 1913 which has one Scott mid barrel dampener attached, is competitive against the best custom rifles in the club. He competes against custom and factory actions like: XIII's, X90, Turbo's (new and old), Falcon's, Myer's, Suhl's, 40X's, etc. with barrels from Shilen, R.C. Muller, Benchmark, Lilja and Broughton, etc. built by many of the best smiths in RFBR. IMHO the factory Anschutz 1913 barreled action is a excellent option for RFBR. John
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A new Anschutz 1913-U2 barreled action [includes trigger assembly] is one of the best kept secrets for someone starting out in RFBR shooting. Simply have this Anschutz barreled action professionally pillar bedded in a good benchrest stock, add a Hoehn/Harrel tuner and a high quality BR scope. With the fore mentioned rig and excellent ammo, one should be able to compete at the highest levels of rimfire benchrest competition, with a few exceptions like the PSL, ARA & IR 50/50 Nationals.

There is one competitor at our local club who simply kicks butt with a Anschutz 1913 in a Stith stock, which he purchased used online a few of years ago. This fellow has had a beautiful new custom RFBR rifle built, which never shot as well "consistently" as the Anschutz 1913. He recently set a new club three target USBR [non-sanctioned] aggregate record ... 248 13x, 249 5x, 245 5x = 742 23x using Lapua Center-X ammo no less. His factory barreled Anschutz 1913 which has one Scott mid barrel dampener attached, is competitive against the best custom rifles in the club. He competes against custom and factory actions like: XIII's, X90, Turbo's (new and old), Falcon's, Myer's, Suhl's, 40X's, etc. with barrels from Shilen, R.C. Muller, Benchmark, Lilja and Broughton, etc. built by many of the best smiths in RFBR. IMHO the factory Anschutz 1913 barreled action is a excellent option for RFBR. John

Using one gun an/or one club as an example of what's possible isn't a good idea friend. Trying to compete at the "highest level" with a factory action/barrel is a virtual certainty of spending most of your time getting your ass kicked. If this were true, you'd see lots of them out don't.
Factory Guns

Using one gun an/or one club as an example of what's possible isn't a good idea friend. Trying to compete at the "highest level" with a factory action/barrel is a virtual certainty of spending most of your time getting your ass kicked. If this were true, you'd see lots of them out don't.

Here we go again!
Same church /different pew :)
thanks tim
Here we go again!
Same church /different pew :)
thanks tim

Starting with a factory gun and doing nothing but putting a stock on it would appear to be different church/ different pew there smiley boy.
The Average Shooter - -

Is pretty much only concerned with one range or one region and not about winning the Nationals or any other big shoot so I don't see why an Anschutz would be excluded from consideration. We have a hand full of Coopers that will shoot with any of the Custom rifles here in Maine: most of the Customs built by well known Smiths . For someone who is either on a limited budget or doesn't yet know if they will like the BR Sport, why not? If they like it a lot and need something better then they will find a way to get it. Given the choice, I'd go with the Cooper but I have seen a few Annies that can hang.

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Any one have an idea of what a near perfect action above would be worth. I have the stock a Lyman 20 power scope and Freeland tube sites.
Thanks Bob Z
BobZ, I think you may find the answers to the value better over on Rimfire Central in the Anschutz section. I'll take a stab at the scope & the sight though. The scope should bring somewhere in the neighborhood of $5-600 IMO. I think the tube sight is worth somewhere in the neighborhood of $150-$200. If their in good condition. There's also a section over there that you could ask opinions there.
A new Anschutz 1913-U2 barreled action [includes trigger assembly] is one of the best kept secrets for someone starting out in RFBR shooting. Simply have this Anschutz barreled action professionally pillar bedded in a good benchrest stock, add a Hoehn/Harrel tuner and a high quality BR scope. With the fore mentioned rig and excellent ammo, one should be able to compete at the highest levels of rimfire benchrest competition, with a few exceptions like the PSL, ARA & IR 50/50 Nationals.

There is one competitor at our local club who simply kicks butt with a Anschutz 1913 in a Stith stock, which he purchased used online a few of years ago. This fellow has had a beautiful new custom RFBR rifle built, which never shot as well "consistently" as the Anschutz 1913. He recently set a new club three target USBR [non-sanctioned] aggregate record ... 248 13x, 249 5x, 245 5x = 742 23x using Lapua Center-X ammo no less. His factory barreled Anschutz 1913 which has one Scott mid barrel dampener attached, is competitive against the best custom rifles in the club. He competes against custom and factory actions like: XIII's, X90, Turbo's (new and old), Falcon's, Myer's, Suhl's, 40X's, etc. with barrels from Shilen, R.C. Muller, Benchmark, Lilja and Broughton, etc. built by many of the best smiths in RFBR. IMHO the factory Anschutz 1913 barreled action is a excellent option for RFBR. John

You are correct. I built one three years ago in an Anschutz BR 54 stock with a Leupold 45x Competition Scope and Hoehn Tuner. I have very successfully competed with this rifle in our club's Rimfire Benchrest League winning the league twice and placing third once. We shoot a European target at 50 yds similiar to (same size) as IR 50/50. This is competing against Cooper's, Anschutz's, 40X's, and one custom entered late this season. Another Anschutz owner is having a custom built in order to be more competitive next year (he hopes).
You are correct. I built one three years ago in an Anschutz BR 54 stock with a Leupold 45x Competition Scope and Hoehn Tuner. I have very successfully competed with this rifle in our club's Rimfire Benchrest League winning the league twice and placing third once. We shoot a European target at 50 yds similiar to (same size) as IR 50/50. This is competing against Cooper's, Anschutz's, 40X's, and one custom entered late this season. Another Anschutz owner is having a custom built in order to be more competitive next year (he hopes).

At the Hollywood Rifle and Pistol Club in Dania Beach, FL we have three Anschutz 1913's being used by competitors. All three are competitive against custom rifles ... the one in a Stith stock is outstanding! Whoever pillar bedded the stock did an excellent job and he even put about 1 1/2" of Devcon to support the barrel, just in front of the receiver. Can't say it actually helps ... but this Anschutz 1913 is a killer!