Another good man has left the range

Richard "Dick" Baier from the Van Dyne Sportsman's club who ran the first 23 years of the NBRSA Hunter rifle Wisconsin state championships affectionately called the mini nationals for years passed away last Friday. He passed peacefully after a long bout with dementia. He was the catylist for many folks to get into score shooting. In the late 90's there was a contingency of 12-16 shooters from the VDSC that would caravan to the Nationals annually. He will be buried tomorrow graveside with military honors. I will miss traveling with him, seeing many of you interact with him, his rough exterior and his heart of gold. I am honored to have called him my friend for over 3 decades. Please left Donna and his family up in your prayers. Thank you in advance for your prayers, they all matter.
"Mini Nationals" GURU, indeed!:D
Let's hope that, "the range is open" for Dick Baier - he led the Wisconsinites out of the wilderness into the realm of precision shooting. Best regards, and prayers for Dick's family and close friends. RG
Dick Baier was a very giving person. He gave all whether that was time or bullets. I’ll miss and remember Dick. I am sorry for Chas. Shmidt’s loss of a close friend and confidante.
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Dick was a good friend he always wanted to squeak the rubber chicken I used to scold shooters for making a mistake he was one of the score shooting Icons and will always be remembered
As Chad said, "one of the good guys".
I first met Dick around 2006 when I was looking for some quality bullets for the new 30BR I built.
Dick was a wealth of information on getting started in score shooting and our phone conversations always seemed to get longer and longer.
Any time you see a friend start to deteriorate health wise you always hope and pray that God will turn things around and return their health to normal.
Unfortunately there are times that just doesn't happen and this was one of them.
Dick will truly be missed not just by his family but by the many friends he made through the years.
Lots of good memories of Dick. His hard work and dedication made the Wisconsin State Hunter event one of the 'must attend' tournaments for Hunter shooters.

I'll add a 'Dick' story about the first time I met him: A couple of us from here ventured over the Van Dyne for the Wi. State NBRSA Hunter tournament and we're looking the place over. Some guy ambles over to us and asks who we are and where we're from. His response, in that Milwaukie accent was:

"Geezus. I told dem guyz at 'da highway shop to close 'da gatez at 'da border! 'Dey didn't lissen and now we got 'deez Dakota guyz 'ta deal wit'! " :D He then took us under his wing, got us all setup and showed us around. Good stuff!

All my best to his family and friends. -Al
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Good Lord willing all of these folks I will be able to meet when my own time comes. And we all can make it to the same place called Heaven to forever be in Peace.
Prayers go out to family and friends and more importantly that the good Lord accepts him into his eternal family who also believed in him.
I don't shoot as actively as I once did and only recently heard the sad news of Dick's passing. While my heart is heavy with sadness upon finding out; I also, like others on this thread, recall how nice of a man Dick really was. When introduced to him through my good friend (also now passed), Jim Stummeier, Dick welcomed me and asked me enough questions to help ensure I had all the information I needed to be successful but also access to the components I would need. Not just the great 10X bullets from he and Chad, but also everything else including primers and powder that have always seemed somewhat challenging to get enough of.

But what really set him apart was the attention and advice he graciously gave me in numerous telephone calls about everything to do with shooting. He gave all the new shooters with a passion a leg up. He was famously gruff on the outside but with a warm heart and actually very friendly disposition.

i do miss him and am truly sorry I was not able to attend his service and pay respects to a truly great man; he did so much for our sport and so many of us.

I'll be thinking of him as I bust out my old 30x47 this spring.

RIP Dick Baier!

Jim Ash