Another 750 @ Cap City Maine

Pete Wass

Well-known member
Young Mr Gary Hamilton shot a nice 750-51 Tuesday evening @ the Disgusta club. I don't know how many 750's he has shot but this one was in some very tough going. Dona Grant shot her first 249 as well. There were some other good scores shot in spite of the swirly conditions.

We recently had our shooting facility doubled in size and the combination of changes to the range have made for a lot of mystery quite often. The "honey Holes" have moved, if indeed there were ever Honey Holes. Oh well, it will all come to the light sooner or later.

Our new 16 benches are done and waiting the mason to get back from Guard Duty to install them; near the end of the month we are told. We'll see how that goes.


There will always be stories of honey holes and magic benches. Perhaps at some ranges that is true. However, none that I've shot at.
There will always be stories of honey holes and magic benches. Perhaps at some ranges that is true. However, none that I've shot at.

Some ranges definitely have honey holes. In fact I've shot at several where the honey hole was only one bench from where I was shooting!:(:confused:

No Greg Today

There will always be stories of honey holes and magic benches. Perhaps at some ranges that is true. However, none that I've shot at.

Went over to the CF range to see you today but alas, you were not present.

No Point in discussing this

There will always be stories of honey holes and magic benches. Perhaps at some ranges that is true. However, none that I've shot at.

We seem to see the world through different eyes.


Went over to the CF range to see you today but alas, you were not present.


have been gone last 3 weekends and needed to get things done at the ranch. Prepping to go to Johnstown last weekend of August to IBS score nationals. It actually was nice to stay home, although the humidity was a bit thick to work in.
I see

have been gone last 3 weekends and needed to get things done at the ranch. Prepping to go to Johnstown last weekend of August to IBS score nationals. It actually was nice to stay home, although the humidity was a bit thick to work in.

It was nice to see some of the old lads again. John C. shot well and we visited a couple of times. He's has shot a couple of RF Benchrest matches and likes it.


John has been shooting well all summer long. I see Brian Fitch made it up from Ct. He was at the meter match in VT a few weeks ago. He had some Heady Topper beer, the cult stuff brewed around Stowe. Its a IPA but with a very different taste twist. Kicks like a mule. Not my favorite but I forced a couple down! Its so popular its rationed! Remember back in the 70s when Coors was the rage at $1 a can? Fads come and go I guess.
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It seems every freakin town

John has been shooting well all summer long. I see Brian Fitch made it up from Ct. He was at the meter match in VT a few weeks ago. He had some Heady Topper beer, the cult stuff brewed around Stowe. Its a IPA but with a very different taste twist. Kicks like a mule. Not my favorite but I forced a couple down! Its so popular its rationed! Remember back in the 70s when Coors was the rage at $1 a can? Fads come and go I guess.

North of the Mass line has a micro brewery in it. I have yet to find one of them that I like the taste of. Most of it tastes like the crap I use to make way back, to me anyway. I guess I got too use to "factory Made" beer in my uth. Of all the beer batches I made, only one satisfied my taste and it was a small batch :(.

I'll stick with the G & T's this time of the year, thank you very much :). Oh, I do drink two pints of Alagash White every Tuesday night after our match. I can choke that down but it's no substitute for Stella now, is it?


North of the Mass line has a micro brewery in it. I have yet to find one of them that I like the taste of. Most of it tastes like the crap I use to make way back, to me anyway. I guess I got too use to "factory Made" beer in my uth. Of all the beer batches I made, only one satisfied my taste and it was a small batch :(.

I'll stick with the G & T's this time of the year, thank you very much :). Oh, I do drink two pints of Alagash White every Tuesday night after our match. I can choke that down but it's no substitute for Stella now, is it?


I kinda like Allagash White especially with a wedge of orange. My go to....Miller Light...tough to beat imo.

The Heady Topper stuff and the rules and regs on their website kind of remind me of the soup Nazi on wrong word or gesture and "no soup for you!"
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