Angle Tree Stone Results 6 8 2013


New member
We had a great turn out with 12 competitors. Congrats to Penny Hadfield had the day's only 250.Thumbs up to Al Hadfield who depite having to replace his trigger in the middle of the match shot a 245 10X in 3 or so minutes!! Thanks to all the shooters who came and endured the flooded range. It turned out to be some good shooting weather after the threat of the passing hurricane. Here are the results of the top 3 for each match.

Match 1
UL 1
Penny Hadfield 249 9X FM 24
Bob Hill 248 14X FM 10
Paul Bendix 246 8X FM 9
UL 2
Penny Hadfield 250 19X FM 2
Michael Gallant 249 16X FM 10
Al Hadfield 248 13X FM 4
Ray Hill 249 13X FM 25
Bob Hill 248 11X FM4
Al Hadfield 247 15X FM 5
Penny Hadfield 746 42X
Bob Hill 744 36X
Al Hadfield 740 38X
Match 2
Ray Hill 248 17X FM2
Peter Wass 248 11X FM 8
Penny Hadfield 247 18X FM10
Peter Wass 249 14X FM 22
Ray Hill 248 13X FM6
Penny Hadfield 246 15X FM6
Bob Hill 248 14X FM10
Penny Hadfield 247 12X FM6
Michael Gallant 247 12X FM 3
Peter Wass 744 36X
Ray Hill 742 43X
Bob Hill 741 40X
Good job Bob...and Pops too!

Thanks to everyone who waded through Lake Angletree to hang my targets, much appreciated.

That 3 minute target was some adventure. My trigger went south after the first shot for score. I tried to replace it but got delayed when realized I had put the replacement in the trigger bracket up side down. Had to start all over again. :mad: Groan! About that time Penny finished her target. I grabbed her gun and went to work. Finished 23 scoring targets in 3 minutes with 37 seconds left on the clock. If I had realized I had all that extra time I wouldn't have rushed so much. ;) Whew!

Congratulations to the top finishers in what were very tricky conditions.

See you all next Saturday at Easthampton.

Angle Tree Stone Bayou

It was a dark and rainy morn,
the shooters were forlorn.
They faced a range like Wachusett,
asking: "How do I shoot it?"

Time waits for no one.
Soon, all had shot hole one,
and commenced to do it again.
Committed to to stay,
they shot twice that day,
thoroughly focused on ten.

Galoshes and boots
and some funny suits
promised a comic run.
The sky then cleared
and the wind came up,
offering a bake in the sun.

Master of the range,
she'll never change.
Copper girl shot the 250.
Veterans' scores went up.
BenchDog remains a pup,
but finds benchrest quite nifty.

No 'gators were spotted
or they would have been potted,
leaving the issue moot.
No need for Troy to badger his boy:
"Damn it son, jus' choot!"

Thanks to all that made Angle Tree a success!

Those scores look great, and congrats to Penny on her 250, and to all the rest of the winners.

I had fully intended to be there, truck was all packed by Thursday and everything to avoid having to do it in the rain bright and early Saturday morning. But you know how what you eat the night before can alter the best of plans. Well, that's where I was at all Friday night, hanging out (literally) on the great white thrown, so come sunrise I was in no shape to pack up and head out for Lake Angle Tree.

The worst part is, now I have to miss Michael's shoot this Saturday due to my granddaughter's ninth birthday party being that afternoon. What's a boy to do? Guess my choice is to wait until next month and shoot Michael's State 3-Gun match instead.

Good luck to all on Saturday,

Bob and Pops,
Thanks to you both and to the rest of the crew at Angle Tree for putting together the match. I had a great time. I just loved the groans that went down the line when the switches hit just after the triggers were pulled.

Bob - with each match you refine your skills as Match Director -- good going!

BenchDog - thanks for the verse (Shakesphere of Attleboro)!
