Angle Tree Stone 3gun & UL Results May 9


New member
Nearly a trigger pulling contest with cloudy conditions and just a light breeze made for a pleasant morning for the 3 gun shoot...the sun did come out for the afternoon and the switchy and challenging winds finally came out to give us all the usual grunts and moans heard on this range. Here are the top 3 scores for each match...


Michael Gallant 247 10X
Bob Hill 245 8X
William Colbert 245 6X


Bob Hill 250 22X
Paul Bendix 250 16X
Michael Gallant 248 7X


Bob Hill 248 16X
Paul Bendix 247 14X
William Colbert 246 12X

3 Gun Agg

Bob Hill 743 46X
Michael Gallant 739 28X
William Colbert 737 22X

UL 1

Paul Bendix 250 16X
Ray Hill 249 13X
Bob Hill 247 17X

UL 2

Michael Gallant 247 8X
William Colbert 246 13X
Ray Hill 246 11X

UL 3

William Colbert 248 13X
Paul Bendix 247 11X
Bob Hill 247 10X

UL Agg.

Ray Hill 742 32X
Paul Bendix 740 41X
Bob Hill 740 37X

Thanks to all for helping with with the target frame take down and clean up

See you guys soon, Bob
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Great Match!

Bob and Ray,
Thanks again for putting on a fine and we'll run match. Great Lunch in between 3 gun and Unlimited.
Also found a couple of Heathers 250 treats that William brought! Was even on the road home by 2:30 PM.

Ray, love the spotting scope stand that attaches to the rear screw of the front rest! Been using a tripod that for 8 years has been in my way! Cheap at twice the price!
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Bob and Ray,

Thanks for a great match and for putting the effort forward to include 3 gun at your club. Once again Ray, thanks for all the help.

Well run match Bob. Thanks and congrats on the 250-22 ... nice target!
