Al'PHONSE!!!! coffee....


oft dis'd member
"Al'PHONSE!!! You are a KING!"

say the "PHONSE!!" like a nasally moose snort to hear what I hollered

Dark Sulawesi Kolossi....... My dear LORD what a tongue...

Suleiman Von Suliemon "SAY no MORE!!!"

nuff said

That's Kalossi BTW. Known for it's dark heavy body, but if you say tongue, OK.

You stumped Google on the other one.

Dunkin' works fine for me.
"Al'PHONSE!!! You are a KING!"

say the "PHONSE!!" like a nasally moose snort to hear what I hollered

Dark Sulawesi Kolossi....... My dear LORD what a tongue...

Suleiman Von Suliemon "SAY no MORE!!!"

nuff said


Glad you enjoyed it!

To steal a phrase from George Dickel Tennesee Whiskey : "Ain't nothin' better." -Al
Damn! I thought it was something from the "Game Of Thrones"

if I'm ever found in the same room with GOT playing....... I'd better be dead. I couldn't stomach G.R.R. Martin back in the 70's, and by the 80's when hacks started comparing him to Tolkien I nearly lost my lunch. Now, in today's world he's of course considered "relevant" and "shocking" and "brilliant"..... blechhh, the guy shouldn't be allowed to write operating instructions for a cheese slicer.

But the Sulawesi coffee.....ooohhhh 'ruh, 'ruhh...... I've been drinking 6-8 quarts per day of various Arabicas for hydration for 20yrs and thought I couldn't improve on my Ethiopean Harrar blend of choice (very similar to Black Rifle) but now I've another to add into the mix.

Thank You BigAl

That's Kalossi BTW. Known for it's dark heavy body, but if you say tongue, OK.

You stumped Google on the other one.

Dunkin' works fine for me.

well, yeahhhh..... BICYHN, "malapropism, thy name is al"

LOL on Dunkin

In the nearly 40yrs I've lived here in WA I've watched 6 different people open Dunkin' Donuts within 35mi of me. They've all went bust. Folks here in the west just don't enjoy Dunkin's. I do like their munchkin donut bites about once a year and just a couple weeks ago I was in Greenville and tried the "smoked vanilla" iced brew and enjoyed it with the chocolate munchkins