All Packed Up And No Place To Go

jackie schmidt

New member
Well, My Motor Home's packed, all of my shooting equipment is in the tow car, and guess what.

No go, No way. I had a feeling this would happen, a major job has been pending for some time, the Boat is going on drydock Friday. That puts me on the job about Wednesday of next week.

Actually, I am in Corpus Christi at the moment. An emegency docking got me on the road at 5 this morning. Love those Tug Boat Captains.

Anyway, my NBRSA Nationals Trip is in the toilet, so I guess I can take vacation and head to Rachels Glenn in October. Not the Nationals, but not a bad second choice.

I wish all of the shooters who can make it the best of luck............jackie
Sorry your Nationals got ruined but we will be glad to see you if you do make it over to Rachel's Glen. In today's economy I guess we should be thankful that we have work of any kind. I fear things are going to get worse. Was talking to Melvin Forbes (New UltraLightArms) and he said that his business was off this year. I think a lot of people have some money but are afraid to turn it loose until they get a better feel for the way things will go.
Mickey, that is the exact reason I cannot tell this customer, "You will have to wait untill I get back".

There are benefits in owning a business, but along with those benefits comes the responsibility of making sure the customer is always happy..........jackie
Jackie, the problem is that if you can't take care of your customers, they will go someplace else especially when their boat being dry docked is money out of their pocket that they can't be working. You have to take care of business even if you have to miss a nationals. There will always be other nationals. I plan to leave Friday after I get a bedding job cleaned up and boxed back up to ship out in the morning.

Josh is going to hold down the fort at home as I couldn't talk him into going with me. He has his eye on setting up some ladder stands for archery season and is more interested in shooting his bow at this time of year than shooting a benchrest rifle for a week.
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Hey Jackie just send me the keys Ill go in your place....:D
Sorry to hear that I know you were really looking forward to it this year:(
jackie ...

There are benefits in owning a business, but along with those benefits comes the responsibility of making sure the customer is always happy....jackie

That's especially true when they're the ones that help fund our expensive hobbies. Thank goodness for the consumer ... regardless of industry. :)
Where are national held this year? I looked on the NBRSA website and couldn't find it. I even looked through the last couple of issues of NBRSA magazine and didn't see it. Does it rotate sites? Haven't been to a match ask the insiders about it. Thanks, Tim
I don't know. I mean, it is the Nationals and you have been planning on it,plus you've been working your butt off all year. I think I would consider telling your Tug Boat skipper the truth " Ya know,I'm a Benchrest rifle shooter,and this week is the Nationals,I've got a really hot rifle and I think I can win at least the two and three gun,so your drive shaft thing is gonna have to wait".
If I didn't think that would fly, I might consider fabricating some other excuses.
#1 My uncle Louis from Kansas City died and I have to go to the funeral.
#2 I have front row Brooks and Dunn tickets and I'm not gonna miss that for anything.
#3 I'm part of a three man Arctic Expedition to "save the whales" and I can't let green peace down.
#4 My 26 year old girlfriend wants me to hang out with her on a nude beach in Rio De Janerio and I promised her that I would.
#5 I have Buffalo Bills tickets at "the Ralph" and I'm not gonna miss tha-- ( never mind,he would never believe that).
#6 I signed up for a "sushi to die for" class at Bert's Kamikaze Kitchen in Toronto and I just gotta go.
You get the idea,These guys have their way with you 51 weeks a year. Shouldn't you get a little "Jackie Time" !
I agree with Nader, life is to short and precious. Remember the other year when you were laid up for a few weeks. The world still kept turning. You really work hard Jackie and deserve a week to kick back and enjoy life.
Jim Miller
Overheard in the office break room once at my business, "This would be a great job if it were not for all these damned customers."

Concho Bill