Alaskan huntiing trip



Provided we're not all broke bailing out the economy, I plan to accept an invitation to a Caribou hunt in Alaska.

Not being a 30X700 nitro super duper mag type of fellow and never really finding the need for such before, I'm faced with the daunting proposition of building or buying an appropriate rifle for the task. I've been comfortable hunting game up to and including elk with a 7mm-08 and 270 win, but I'm told I need more umph - if not for the caribou, then for the possiblity of an encounter with bear. I like what I've read about the classic old 300 H&H and the original (not WSM) 300 Winchester Mag. I've talked to a friend who hunts with a 338 X 06 and he's very happy with it - but while I'll probably find a reason to occasionally take a 30 mag out on an Alabama deer hunt, I can't imagine how I'd use a .338 ('06 based or other) anywhere else than, well, Alaska. I've been told that the 30-06 with proper bullets while somewhat marginal, is popular with guides who wind up loaning their guns to clients who can't shoot their Ultra-abees.

So...right now I'm thinking of building a .300 mag, and given the hazards of lost luggage, I want something that I can buy ammo for down at the PoDunk general store in Nowhere USA, so I'll probably opt for the 300 Winchester.

Those of you who've travelled this road before... please offer any correction or suggestions. Thanks.
Provided we're not all broke bailing out the economy, I plan to accept an invitation to a Caribou hunt in Alaska.

Not being a 30X700 nitro super duper mag type of fellow and never really finding the need for such before, I'm faced with the daunting proposition of building or buying an appropriate rifle for the task. I've been comfortable hunting game up to and including elk with a 7mm-08 and 270 win, but I'm told I need more umph - if not for the caribou, then for the possiblity of an encounter with bear. I like what I've read about the classic old 300 H&H and the original (not WSM) 300 Winchester Mag. I've talked to a friend who hunts with a 338 X 06 and he's very happy with it - but while I'll probably find a reason to occasionally take a 30 mag out on an Alabama deer hunt, I can't imagine how I'd use a .338 ('06 based or other) anywhere else than, well, Alaska. I've been told that the 30-06 with proper bullets while somewhat marginal, is popular with guides who wind up loaning their guns to clients who can't shoot their Ultra-abees.

So...right now I'm thinking of building a .300 mag, and given the hazards of lost luggage, I want something that I can buy ammo for down at the Podunk general store in Nowhere USA, so I'll probably opt for the 300 Winchester.

Those of you who've travelled this road before... please offer any correction or suggestions. Thanks.

Contrary to popular opinion by people that have done all their bear hunting on the Internet. The .30-06 with proper bullets in the hands of a guy that knows how to place a shot, is all anybody needs for the largest coastal bears.

I load Woodleight bullets for all my bear and moose use in .30-06, and .375H&H. Why? Because they work. You don't need any where close to a Woodleight bullet for caribou. I've killed a huge amount of caribou with the 55 grain Winchester SP's in .223 Remington, out to 400 yards. The real problem with caribou is the wind. unless you are hunting in a closed timbered areas, the wind is not your friend.

The last thing in this world in any hunting rifle is to much velocity. You want to find ammo in every little podunk village store? Bring a .30-06. For get the idea of a Win mag. You do not want that kind of velocity, the best bullets don't do well with high velocity. Buy Woodleigh bullets and follow Geoff recommend velocity guide for his bullets and learn to make all your shots "shoulder shots".

I just flat hte to read this crap about what it takes to kill game here in Alaska, these animals are not bullet proof. They die just as fast as any game in the world with a properly placed shot using a good bullet.
Alaskan speaks

He should know... glad I didn't suggest building a 300 Ultra mag...

Thanks Big Al - sounds like good advice.

He should know... glad I didn't suggest building a 300 Ultra mag...

Thanks Big Al - sounds like good advice.


I wish that every moment of your time here in our Alaska is what your dreams are about. This is truly the great land!
Big Al

knows exactly how it is and what it takes. You won't get better advice.
Alaskan hunting trip

For my Canadian caribou hunt a couple of years ago, I used a 280 Ackley shooting 140 gr Nosler Partitions. Neither caribou (two in Quebec) moved out of their tracks. Considering the caribou goes about 450 pounds, I thought it was an animal that doesn't take a lot of killing. The inland grizzley goes about 450# and I would not feel undergunned with the 280 AI.

The rifle I used was the one I call my snotty weather rifle. It is a push feed M-70 Win fitted with a 24" Lilja stainless #3 contour, coated with a bake on moly finish and pillar bedded in a Brown Precision classic style stock. When it rained, I just put tape over the muzzle and went hunting. No rust when I got home and pulled it out of the stock to check.

Your comment about the poor shooting was evident on sight-in day when we got in base camp. I was the only one who fired two shots 1 1/4" high and touching and was done. One poor soul (Frenchman) showed up with a 375 H&H shooting 300 gr factory ammo and it took over a box of ammo to get him sighted in. When asked why he didn't bring a light gun, he said it was his light gun, the other was a 458 Win Mag.
I would hesitate to take advice from anybody that said they use 55 gr bullets out of a .223 Remington to hunt caribou to 400 yards. That is both unethical and just silly.

You won't like Alaska, it's a lot colder than Alabama. Since I'm born and bred in Michigan, I'm used to that kind of weather and will gladly fill in for you. Seriously!
Dall Sheep should be your first priority- combined with caribou/moose/grizz.
Who/Where do you plan on hunting while in AK??
A 338 WM chambering is hard to beat.
I know a retired........

DNR officer who has hunted Alaska, BC, Canada, all of Conus; he said when the conversation has gone all around the fire about who has/got/used/wants, he just listens, pretty soon it gets quiet. Then a voice asks, "What did you bring??"
("Me?? you talkinna me??) He says, "Well,... I got an '06." Then, it all starts, everybody's got/won't trust/won't use, something from a 155 SPG to an RPG to a 55 Boyes. But, then it all dies down.... And he says, "Well,... I can take you down my basement at home, an' introduce you to my mounts (there's like 16 or so, from Bears to Sheep to Lions, Elk & Caribou!), an' every one of them will swear that they been shot.... w/my '06!" He uses a Ruger(icky, p-thoo!) ultralight, .30'06 w/Remington factory ammo, 180 cor-lokts. Nice guy.
If you are hunting caribou you likely won't be running into big coastal brown bears--just those little wimpy interior grizzlies. Of course, if you get all your information from OUTDOOR LIFE, those interior bears all weigh 1,000 pounds and kill 300 hunters each year, mainly those with rifles less than 50 caliber.

Truth be told, big interior males are 550 pounds and many females are 300 pounds or less. A 270 with premium bullets (I repeat: premium bullets) is adequate. "Old reliable" 30-06 is more than adequate, especially with those high energy factory loads that approach 300 Winchester Magnum performance. Again, use premium bullets--bonded core or similar.

If you really want bear protection, buy a can of pepper spray--the kind designed for bears, not people. Get the larger size. These days the experts in Alaska recommend pepper spray over firearms for bear protection. I kid you not.
i have hunted black bears, never any brown/coastal/grizzlies. That said, use enough gun! Deer deserve a clean death, bears require a fast death. But, your not hunting bears are you? If you went to africa for impala would you carry something to nock down elephants? Gun for what you hunt. 270 with good bullets would be fine for caribou. A 44mag would be good back up/bunk mate if your camping out.
Pepper spray &/or tobasco sauce go hand and hand.

An animal that will digest a 5gal bucket of 140wt gear oil as humans spread honey on morning toast with coffee-you decide!!!!

Air horns deter bears.

If carrying a hand gun-remove the front sight so it won't hurt as bad when you get it inserted where the sun doesn't shine.

A 338 WM doesn't tear up meat/capes as a 270 Win, with so call premium bullets.

When I mention premium bullets-Nosler Partitions are not in the equation/conversation.
My dad was one of the best hunters that I ever knew, he always said that the 30-06 would bring down anything on the american continent. He would not have anything else. I have his pre 64 win 30-06 now. Wouldnt hesitate to take it to Alaska. An other thing, It wont tear your shoulder off when you shoot it either.;)

One of my friends went to Africa on his honeymoon. He and his bride used a loaner 30.06 that the PH provided. They took lots of plains game including Kudu, zebra, and an eland with that 30.06.

Looking at the pics of the eland, I would say that the .06 is what I would call a 90% rifle. It will kill 90% of the game on the planet.

Besides, it's un-American not to own a 30.06! :D
nothing wrong with a handgun

Dan. I have 2 bears and a big moose taken via handgun. Both bears with a 510 GNR and the moose with the 410 GNR. The only rifle hunting I do is coyotes and groundhogs.
I hunted in Quebec a couple years back for Caribou with 5 others. We had two 243s, Two 270 Win, a 30-06 and a guy with a bow only.
We left with 12 animals, all but one were shot kills (that one was dead on its feet but took another round, 270 win as it walked away). Most were hit broadside, and all bullets passed through except one 243. I took two with my 270 and 130 gr Hornady SP handloads. One hit head-on in the lower neck, shattering the spine and exited near the hump. Personally I think it was more then enough gun. Ranges ran ~20 -200+ yds.

I would take the 7-08 loaded with 140 grain Barnes Triple-Shocks...............................

If you need more gun then load it with 160 grain Barnes Triple-Shocks.....................
what about

the semi-new 338 federal if you dont like the mag/nitro combo, has great bullets to choose from and the lower velocity should ensure performance
thanks for all the comments

I was watching American Hunter yesterday - the program was dedicated to Caribou hunting in Africa. The "required" factory rep was hunting with a .338 Federal, Wayne Van Zwoll was hunting with a .260 Remington... Hummmm.

Y'all have about conviced me to to take my 7mm-8. Nah.. I've always needed a good excuse to set up a classic 30-06, perhaps this is my opportunity.

the hunt is still almost 2 years away, and I'm not sure on details. Perhaps getting a rifle put together and putting in a little practice should move up on the priority list...perhaps? thx all. jk.