Age old Question - Revolver or Pistol


Old Timer

I have both, however I still fight with my self on what type of sidearm to carry. High power revolver or multiple shot semi-auto.
Any other view points would help
Might want to move this to the appropriate forum.

Has nothing at all to do with Benchrest or F-Class, so maybe the 'General' forum would be a better place for it.
Handgun question

Old Timer: Spent a lot of my "younger days" with handguns, Distinguished Pistol, NRA Instructor, etc. Camp Perry, etc. Suggest you check-out "American Handgunner" magazine, what I believe to be an excellent source of handgun specific info.:)

Old Ttimey -

I vote revolver.....

Especially if you don't practice, much.

Also, if you want to keep things " simple ".

Not only the revolvers simplicity of design, but also in its operation.

Acquisition costs are typically lower than the semi-autos.

I' ve carried an "N" frame .357Mag of either 6", 5", or 4" bb; length;,
for 33yr now.

Best of luck in your endeavors !


Until recently I shot 15,000 rounds a year in practice and competetion through a semi auto. Love them, have 25. Have 1 revolver.

Too many things to go wrong with a pistol and a failure rate much higher then a revolver

I carry a S&W 640 357 revolver, totally concealed hammer. I can shoot it right through my coat pocket if necessary.

How many rounds do you think you will need in a gun fight? I plan to be shooting as I am running away.
ol' timer....

You posted this before on this site & were asked to go elsewhere w/it; maybe over to "The High Road" you'll find a more receptive crowd...
You posted this before on this site & were asked to go elsewhere w/it; maybe over to "The High Road" you'll find a more receptive crowd...

Mr. Brian Roberts, would you believe, that we aren't an aggressive crowd.

Mr. Old Timer, can you possibly trust and believe in Glock?

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If you handload, there are far fewer problems with a revolver.

Autos are very persnickety about ammo.
Not a spring chicken either

Like the KISS rule, in he rare event that a cartridge doesn't fire (has yet to happen) a second trigger pull on a double action revolver gets the job done.

Carry gun is a S&W revolver with combat action job courtesy of Clark Customs and a Laser-grip to complement the iron sights.

The Laser-grips are great for trigger practice.